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No more STEEM silver rounds??!!??

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2 months agoSteemit2 min read


The 2018 SteemSilverRound was, in my opinion, the best of the 3 coin series the #steemsilvergold community created. Unfortunately, it looks as though the 2019 steem round will forever be the last round minted by the community. There seems to be very little support for another and i guess we will just have to write this set off to the history books.


So unless things change and the crypto-market takes off pretty soon, im outting this pipedream to bed.

The price of silver continues to rise and a $50 target for any future round may be a little too rich for most casual investors and certainly a pause for thought for those looking to just help the steemit platform.

Please, please, please change my mind! Help me and steemit get the next #SteemSilverRound up and running by showing an intrest and drumming up support in any community youreninvolved it.


If you dont own any precious metals, then why not tell us? As a community we encourage ALL engagements and encourage everyone to take the plunge and own at lease a sinlge ounce of silver or a fraction of gold. If your struggleing to find a safe and secure place to buy, reach out to the community as there is always someone willing to offer their time and advice to help you out.


40+yr old, trying to shift a few pounds and sharing his efforsts on the blockchain. Come find me on STRAVA or actifit, and we can keep each other motivated .


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Want to find out more about gold and silver? Get the latest news, guides and information by following the best community on the blockchain - silvergoldstackers. We're a group of like minded precious metal stackers that love to chat, share ideas and spread the word about the benefits of "stacking". Please feel free to leave a comment below or join us in the community page, or on discord.



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