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My meal before I was told to get thrifty on it because my next dialysis schedule had gone tentatively

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3 months agoSteemit14 min read


Boiled white corn kernels made nutritious by a process called "Nixtamalization".


A fish called locally as the "Dalagang Bukid" or Farm Maiden in English. I delicious type of seawater fish, usually fried and a vinegar-garlic for a dip and eaten with rice.


A ripe Mango fruit is truly a delicious Tropical fruit, it is so versatile you can also eat it with rice as a viand.


It's a lunch dinner combo as usual yesterday.

I captured these photos yesterday past lunch time because like always I do not have much appetite to begin with, so I waited to build-up my appetite and planned to have my lunch later in the day. But this long-long time vendor of a cooked nixtamalized corn happen to went by the road with its classic bell sound to alert people that he is right there and ready to sell them his classic food snack. My father told my mother to hail the vendor because my brother-in-law also had bought some. I told my mother to buy me as well and I told her that I will going to eat it with the fried Dalagang Bukid fish and some of the mango slice that we bought last Monday as we are going to my dialysis treatment at that instance. One kilo of this ripe mango can be bought for 100 PHP which is equivalent of less than two dollars which at this period in time is quite still cheaper compare to other vendors if they still have a source for selling some because right now the Mango season is already over. I do find a ripe mango helpful for eating my meals especially in making me eat more of the rice which gives my body my needed calories which I always do not get to be fulfilled which is leading me to stay very thin with not much fat. Eating high calorie foods would always make me feel bad inside literally because it just causes my skin to get very warm like what my mother would always tell me because she consumes a much rice which is a source of high calories and because of that, her skin would feel warmer. But unfortunately for me my appetite situation plus the fact that my dialysis quality is not normal for a long time, it affects my appetite and the effect of the less quality dialysis session would give me the feeling of being full to the brim all the time. I had been enduring that for so many years now and I will have to see on what I can do about it as soon as I use the supplement that I needed to reduce my protein intake more to avoid the feeling of toxicity caused by the processing of protein which are urea, uric acid, and nitrogen compounds which causes me to feel sick with nausea. The supplement that I am talking about was the amino acids which acts as a protein but without the ill-effects of having to deal with the said by-products of protein consumption. Fortunately I can buy it from our local online shops which are popular among the people to buy things from to save some time and effort about going to the malls to avoid extra expenditures which sometimes would cost more than the item that they want to buy. It is the beauty of our modern times now because we are enjoying convenience and saving some money at the same time. All that we just need is money from our digital wallets and some patience for waiting for the items that we just bought.

Anyway, I ate my meal over a still flooded flooring of our house and I am also still a part of our population that is still lucky because at least the water is relatively lower while other people's homes and their possessions being either partly or totally devastated because of the amount of rainfall that my province alone received. At least my house is livable although we have to put up with this kind of situation where the flood water is really not a good thing to deal with because the water is dirty and I still have to wear my rubber boots in order to go to the bathroom while making it sure that I will not trip over. Because of that I make it sure that I will take slow and steady steps so that I can get to and from my destination, inside this soon to be replaced house if God wills it.

About a couple of hours after my lunch, the dialysis center was still not giving us a text message to notify me of what time my next schedule will be so my father told my mother to video call one of the nurses if the road which we both use leading to and from the dialysis clinic is open but she replied that she was already been staying at the dialysis center from Wednesday because she also got stranded and that she verified that the particular road is still unpassable just like from Wednesday, in-fact the flood water here in my room had been not changing since yesterday despite the rain had already stopped pouring down since yesterday afternoon. I believe that there will no rain coming for the next few days if no more high pressure area would develop from the southeast of this country. Anyway, my nurse that my mother was talking to also showed here that the actual dialysis clinic's flooring was also flooded which is why they have to cut short the dialysis treatment session of the patients when that was happening because the water is already high to prevent the machines in getting affected. That is why that the nurse told my mother that my dialysis treatment schedule had gotten on hold until another notice because of the flood situation of the dialysis clinic. Then she told my mother that I should further control my diet because it had gone tentative for my schedule to be confirmed until they are able to notify us if the water inside the dialysis center got resolved. That is why of course I got scared a bit because I do not want my dialysis schedule disrupted in any way or cause. Prior to that video call, we already had also called our barangay Captain for assistance about our transport service using our own barangay's service vehicle which is capable of wading through the knee-deep flood water through that particular street road which is the main cause of our problem of getting through the dialysis center. Now since the flood water in my area alone is not even changing or seizing down, I guess that the flood water over that street is also not also changing but thanks to the Toyota FB which is similar to the model of Toyota L300, we can be able to pass through it easy just like what I am seeing when news reporters are showing the road situation near that area where some of the vehicles passing through the high flood waters are actually the same or similar model to that our barangay's service vehicle. The only issue that I have for that vehicle is that it is just uncomfortable to ride with and that it is not really meant for being a passenger vehicle, but since it is cheaper to buy for the barangay as an option for having a big and reliable service vehicle, I guess that it was the reason why our former barangay captain bought it with the support of the senator's assistance which he is always getting funds from along with our town's congressman financial support in order to procure funds for such Barangay projects.

I am also glad that the former barangay captain got the idea of buying a service vehicle to be used as the Barrio's ambulance vehicle because we also use it to transport us when we needed during these times of calamities or if we needed to go to the hospital like what happened last April when I needed to fix my AV graft fistula because it is already aching because of its age and size which is already causing me pain and discomfort. Without the ambulance of our barrio it could have been very hard for us to get to the hospital and we could have caused an inconvenience to my siblings who do have service vehicles of their own but they are tied in doing their own work so it is a great problem on its own for them plus the fact that I do not want to bother them with my misfortune in the first place. But even the ambulance service vehicle cannot cross how the level of flood had gotten high which the service driver had told us during our rescue from going home last Wednesday afternoon after getting stranded near the impassable street road where we got picked-up. I am still thankful that the particular street road we use is still passable for vehicles which have a high clearance from the ground and that the flood doesn't get any higher over there because otherwise we already needed boats to cross it if not using an amphibious vehicle for that purpose. Anyway after those video calls, one of the caregiver from our dialysis clinic had called me last night to tell me my schedule for today which is the usual hook-up time that I always have to my happiness and delight which I am thankful to God for. I immediately called my mother through my phone as she was already fast asleep because it was already past 10:00 when I received the call. I assumed that the staff of the dialysis center was able to control the flooding inside the dialysis treatment area and that it indeed a great relief not only for me but also to my other co-patients and their families because of course having our regular dialysis sessions are very important for us because it bridges our literal lives to see the light of another day.

But now only this morning, the driver of the barrio service vehicle alerted us about the condition of the supposed vehicle that will be used to transport us to and from the dialysis center and told us that the radiator of that service vehicle was already leaking and cannot be used anymore at this time considering that also it will take time if it were to be fixed and so because of that we have no other choice but to contact my local church's "worker", a pastor equivalent of other churches and told her our situation, so thankfully she had found a way for us to get transported via a tricycle service of another brethren which agreed to help. A few weeks ago, our local church group leaders including our church worker had visited us to check-out on us about what our condition is and actually told us that if we ever needed some assistance of any sort, that we should tell them so that any occurring untoward events like this current one that we in this house is currently having a problem with can get a solution and now was the moment for doing just that thanks be to the mercy of God. This is what our church is doing, doing good works not only for its members but also for other people so that we can glorify the name of God and that there is a true church that practices what real Christians should do for the interest and benefit of our fellow human beings in the best way that we can do. Our church is already constructing a FREE of charge hospital being built within the main convention center grounds to actually help people in need for various medical issues or problems and I assume that maybe they will also add a facility for dialysis patients although the dialysis treatment now here in my country is already free of charge. The construction of the free of charge hospital is not taking any donations from other people who are not members of the church to support the construction costs and even if they insist, the will just be discouraged and at the same time telling them to use such donations in something else because our church doesn't accept donations from non-members. That is why it is a challenge to construct that free hospital because of its size and the facilities that it needs to put into it plus the payment of salaries to the staff, nurses, and other medical professionals that will going to spend their time in making it work along with the maintenance costs of that soon to be operational free hospital service. Aside from it our church ( has a free school from elementary school up to College, the students are 100% scholars and are privileged to even have a free meal included as well as free uniform to go with it. Along with some charity services like free medical assistance to far flung areas not only in my country but also in the localities of the church world wide like for example in South America which people are so thirsty about wanting to be close with God but only to have false churches who just wanted their money just like in other religions particularly those that they call themselves Christians but are not really reflecting on the way they live which is not conforming to the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ where their leaders doesn't really aiming for salvation of the souls but to just fatten themselves out from the money of their members. Now, which is a true church in teaching and good deeds as evidence and as attested and experienced by many brethren in the countries of Latin America as well as some of their local political personalities there which the church are always coordinating with, are also appalled if not so surprised on what had been doing in their areas of governance because even them are saying that they haven't seen such humanitarian work which is continuous and regular to help some residents of a particular area which people are very thankful for because even their government are helpless to do anything to help them with some of their needs like food aides and medical assistance like check-up together with giving them free medicines and some meal to go with it, and what the the church could possibly offer like setting up a free store where the people can get what they need like foods, clothes, and anything which the contents of such free store were provided by the members of the church as a donation along with the funds coming from the church itself in order to make the free store operational. I cannot really enumerate what our church ( is doing not only for its members but also for other people who needs help in times of crisis which is why the reporters of the church-owned media has a motto of "Helping first before the news" because the new crew are all trained rescue workers where while they are out looking for what to tell the public about what is happening currently all around the metro, they are also standing-by and ready to help other people in need and rescue them on the spot.

Anyway we got back home safe and sound thanks to my brethren who offered help and I just admire their dedication to their charitable work. They are made up of one team which is why we used two tricycles instead of only one because the other tricycle will be serving as the back-up if the one servicing us on our way to and from the dialysis clinic would face some issue along the way where the roads now are truly in bad shape because of the way they are constructed and because of the flooding. Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gifts!


Some of the photo's attributes.

Captured using my Zenfone 4 Max

Camera resolution: 13 Megapixels (4:3)

Camera Modes: Automatic and Wide

Flash: Flash Fired

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