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What motivates or demotivates me to exercise


yesterdaySteemit3 min read


How would health be if there's no exercise? When I think about the benefits of exercise I keep wishing if I could have all the time to myself. Without being healthy we can't perform our daily duties effectively.

πŸ‘‰What does sweating it out mean durng your exercise programs?

Exercise without sweating is like driving bicycle without the chain, therefore sweating it out during exercise shows that the muscles are responding to the physical activities that is taken place. When we exercise , the body temperature increases thereby bringing out sweat from our body.

In other words when I'm sweating during exercise it means I'm doing it with much consideration and power.

πŸ‘‰ What exercise programs did you do that made you sweat?

knee exercises

Our knees is that part of our body that needs attention because it makes our posture flexible.
I did knee exercises that took almost one hour . I did this exercise by holding my leg ,bending my knees backwards for like 30 minutes. I did this exercise repeatedly until I was sweating.


This is another exercise that I did, I love this particular program because it helps my arms, I was stretching my hands from left to right.with my two leg open sideways.

πŸ‘‰ Take a picture or video of your sweaty face and upload. Explain the picture to us

sweating face

This is my face after the program, the exercise was helpful and I sweat to show that I really perform some workouts.

πŸ‘‰ How do you feel when you sweat during exercises

I don't feel anyhow, it a normal thing that supposed to happen during workout, though some people don't sweat. To me I feel happy, I want everyone to see that I did something, Sweating during exercise cools my body and energizes me to continue my workout.

πŸ‘‰ What is the importance of hydration during exercise


Hydration during exercise is very important, our body needs enough water to perform so many works, therefore it's important to be hydrated during exercise. Here are some importance of hydration during exercise:

  • Activeness. Being hydrated during exercise increases the activeness of a person.
  • It helps to avoid some common sickness like cramps.

  • Heat stress. During exercise we lose lot's of sweat as such drinking water can help us regain the loss water in our body.

  • Maintaining good body temperature. During exercise our temperature increases, taking water will help us maintain good body temperature .

  • Energy. Being hydrated during exercise give us energy to do more workouts or programs.

Conclusion. Sweating is not bad , infact if I'm doing exercise without seeing myself sweating I wouldn't give credit to my coach. I'm motivated to continue my workout programs this week.

I'm inviting @realityrend @ninapenda @chant

Special mention

@alli001 @genomil @ngoenyi

25% to @goodybest for our Nigerian meetup.


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