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A peek into the Very Near Future...


4 months agoSteemit2 min read

These Coins will be available on July 11,2024 for only 76 Cents each, "I mean" 76 Digital Fiat "Rental" Dollars each, plus Postage...
Once we get to the "other side" of the U.S. Monetary Correction, a person turning in 76 Fiat "Rental" Dollars will get back 76 Cents in either Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage or Common U.S. Coinage...

This is why I think everything being Sold on the U.S. Mints "Product Schedule" is On Sale "Big Time"...

These "Collector Coins" will be worth Plenty, on the other side of the Reset...

Collectors will be willing to pay at least $10 for one of these Coins...

Keep in mind that $10 in Silver Coins will have the "Spending Power" of 1,000 of today's Fiat "Rental" Dollars...

So, my question to everyone reading this will be about what "you" would do...

Would you be willing to pay 76 of today's Digital Fiat "Rental" Dollars for one of these "Collector Coins"...

..."or" do you think you'd be better off getting $76 in Common U.S. Coinage for the same 76 Fiat "Rental" Dollars...???

Can of Quarters....jpg

I always wonder what people will do "if" they knew in advance what was heading ur way...

Surely, "We the People" must have seen this coming many Decades ago...

What should we have done to prepare, is another question I'd like to ask you...

How many of you think "We the People" could "easily" pay off the National Debt "and" interest, IN FULL...???

Was there a good reason for me to think our Common U.S. Coinage will need to increase 100 Fold in "Spending Power"...???

Sorry, I get so few replies, that I have to ask...


I'm always able to change the subject with an "anyway"

Today is the 12th Day of June, 2024...

Will today be the Day I've been hoping for...???

All I know for sure, is that it will happen in the Present, since that's when all things happen...

Let me know if you think we're close to a U.S. Monetary Correction or if it's still far off...



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