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[STEEM ATLAS UPDATE @ 20 Nov '24] The Steem Atlas is now on


2 days agoSteemit3 min read

Thank you for all the great feedback on the launch of our new Steem Atlas project.

Following the very positive reception we have brought forward the move of the site to its own domain...

Picking up on the comments on the launch post the @pennsif.witness team have been working hard to fix some initial bugs and improve the performance of the site.

Updates so far...

  1. The site has moved to its permanent domain...
  1. The site is now going through a CDN to improve performance.

  2. Optimisations have been made to the code to help improve performance.

  3. Layout changes have been made so the site now works on iPad's.

  4. The robustness of detection for old posts with added Steem Atlas code has been improved.

Coming soon...

  1. Further changes to the code and layout to continue with performance improvements.

  2. Further optimisations to layout on mobile devices.

  3. An initial search system to find latest posts.

  4. An admin facility to hide irrelevant or abusive posts.

On the near horizon...

  1. Expansion of the search system.

  2. A curation system to highlight the best posts each day / week.

We have many more 'blue sky' ideas (gamification anyone 😉) but they will be revealed as usage and resources permit.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

We are particularly interested in what sort of search options people would like.

In the meantime we look forward to people adding new (and old) posts to the Steem Atlas.

If you make a post for Steem Atlas please include #steem-atlas as one of the first four tags so we can look out for your post. We will be voting on the best ones 😃

PLEASE NOTE : If you post through Steem Atlas your posting key is not retained or collected by our site in anyway. It remains purely client-side in your browser.

A Pennsif.Witness Project

The Steem Atlas has been developed by the @pennsif.witness team of @pennsif, @rexthetech and @freelance.monkey.

The team has many plans to develop and expand the Steem Atlas.

Much will depend on the feedback from users, the amount of usage, and the resources we have available.

If you would like to support the project, please consider voting for @pennsif.witness.

We believe Steem Atlas has great potential to promote Steem to the wider world and attract new people to the platform.

Please help it live long and prosper...

Thank you.

[ graphics by the @pennsif.witness team ]


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