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How to Find the Best Deals in Real Estate


18 days agoSteemit5 min read

Searching for the perfect real estate deal can feel like hunting for hidden treasure. Regardless of your level of experience, the quest for that elusive gem requires strategy and know-how. In this guide, with Rogelio Robles, we'll embark on a journey to demystify the process, providing you with practical tips and insider insights to help you navigate the world of real estate with confidence. Prepare to discover the keys to spotting the greatest offers and realizing your real estate aspirations, from creating precise goals to becoming an expert negotiator.

Location Matters In Real Estate

Depending on where you live, you might need to think about investing in different places. When I started, I knew I could only do so much in my local market.

According to Rogelio Robles at first, as a real estate investor, it's good to stick to your own area. But what if your local market isn't great? Maybe it's too crowded with buildings, or it's not growing anymore.

For example, in Canada, there aren't many apartments available to buy. There's not much trading happening because there aren't many of them.

In some European countries, they don't have the same kinds of properties to invest in as we do in America.

Just remember, not every place is good for real estate investing. If you had invested around Detroit in the last 20 years, you might not have made much money unless you were downtown. Things are changing there now, but we're not sure yet if it'll work out.

Define Your Destination:

Before embarking on your real estate journey, it's crucial to define your destination. Think of it as plotting your course on a map—knowing where you want to go will guide your every step in the process.

Clearly define your investment objectives:

  • Give it some thought to how you want your real estate career to go. Are you aiming for long-term wealth accumulation, passive income through rentals, or quick flips for profit?

  • Consider your budget and risk tolerance. How much are you willing to invest, and what level of risk are you comfortable with?

  • Define your timeline. Are you looking for short-term gains or building a portfolio for the future?

Research Target Locations:

  • Explore different neighborhoods and cities to find the best fit for your investment strategy. Consider factors like job growth, population trends, and local amenities.

  • Look for areas with high rental demand if you're interested in income properties, or focus on regions with strong appreciation potential for long-term growth.

  • Keep an eye on regulatory and economic conditions that may impact your chosen location's real estate market.

Timing is Everything:

Time truly can make all the difference in the real estate market between a good deal and a great one. Success depends on your ability to stay abreast of market trends and indicators. Here's how to master the art of perfect timing:

  1. Stay Informed:

  • Keep track of interest rates, housing inventory, and economic forecasts.

  1. Be Patient:

  • Resist the urge to rush into a purchase; wait for the right opportunity to arise.

  1. Flexibility Matters:

  • Stay adaptable to changing market conditions and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By staying informed, exercising patience, and remaining flexible, you'll be poised to strike when the timing is just right, maximizing your chances of snagging the best real estate deals.

Persistence Pays Off:

In the world of real estate, persistence is often the key to success. Even when the hunt for the perfect deal seems daunting, staying committed and persistent can lead to incredible opportunities. Let's explore how persistence can pay off in your real estate endeavors.

  1. Don't Settle for Less:

    • Avoid giving in to the need to settle for a subpar deal out of annoyance.

    • Keep your standards high and continue searching until you find the right.

  1. Keep Searching:

    • Stay proactive in your search efforts, exploring new listings and avenues.

    • Patience and perseverance can lead you to undiscovered gems.

  1. Learn from Setbacks:

    • Accept setbacks as teaching moments as opposed to failures.

    • Use each experience to refine your approach and strategy.

With persistence as your ally, you can navigate the real estate market confidently. Remember, every no brings you closer to that ultimate yes. Keep pushing forward, and the perfect deal will soon be within reach.

Master the Art of Negotiation:

Negotiation is the heart of real estate deals, where the magic happens. It's not just about haggling over prices; it's about crafting win-win solutions. Here's how to become a negotiation ninja:

Craft Compelling Offers:

Present offers backed by thorough market analysis and property research. Show sellers you're serious and understand the value.

Know When to Walk Away:

Don't get emotionally attached. If the deal doesn't align with your objectives or the terms aren't favorable, be ready to gracefully exit.

Explore Creative Financing:

Think outside the box. Consider options like seller financing or lease agreements to sweeten the deal and make it work for both parties.

With these negotiation tactics in your arsenal, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the bargaining table with confidence.


Rogelio Robles concluded that success in the dynamic world of real estate depends on strategy, timing, and persistence. By defining your goals, researching locations, and mastering negotiation tactics, you're poised to seize the best deals. With patience and perseverance, your property dreams can become a reality despite setbacks. So stay informed, stay persistent, and get ready to unlock the doors to your future in real estate.


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