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The Diary Game 26/07/24: Rainbow and Garden work


3 months agoSteemit3 min read




Hello my dear Steemians,


Everyday is full of different events and some of the day are so exciting that we want to share with you. This summer we have less warm, sunny days and it is raining more frequently this year than in previous ones. That is why when we saw how it looks today through window and noticed blue sky for both of us me and my hubby it was a must to go out and enjoy this fresh morning so long it is dry.




The morning started with cool +17C but we did not care, early morning is the best time for walk because the air is still fresh and there is not much pollution after quiet night.

What I love in such mornings is the light rays on buildings and long shadows, but it was something different today that made our day special it was a big arch of rainbow, I managed to capture it couple of time and hope that you also can see it.




This is a little square in front of one of state buildings, I love that old building with its very special architecture.





After having a little walk through city we then decided to turn towards coast, it is calm water, no big waves and wonderful reflection of sun on water. Unfortunately we were not able to walk on a beach because of high tide.





Garden work: removing rest of shrubs


While being back home, we decided to do some work in garden. This time it is front yard, we cut down the shrubs in autumn but maybe too short so it was nothing coming back this year. It is so boring to see the leave less shrubs so then it was decided we remove them but buy new plants.

So we use shovel and electric saw, the work was doing quick and satisfying.





*It was quite hard work and after that we definitely had enough, at least we managed to clean everything before rain and the next we need to buy some new plants and hopefully it will look and tidy.





PROMOTION: new account @wuddi







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