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Our first badge as a supporter of Mission 14! - The blue whale -


15 days agoSteemit2 min read



Hello my dear Steemians,


This is the new account “Planetwild” by @stef1 and @myskye. This account is about collecting Steem for the PlanetWild project. That's why I'm going to post once a day. Everything we get together here (Steem, SBD, SP) goes to the project. Then let's see what we can do here...


Our first badge




The blue whale

The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth, known for its massive size and impressive presence in the ocean. These gentle giants can grow up to 100 feet in length and weigh as much as 200 tons. Blue whales primarily feed on krill and are found in oceans worldwide, making them a truly awe-inspiring species to behold.

Is the blue whale in danger?

Yes, the Blue whale is considered endangered due to threats such as ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, habitat loss, and pollution. Conservation efforts are being made to protect this iconic species and increase their population.


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Mission 14


Blue whales are threatened with extinction. We’re helping the biggest animals on Earth by collecting data with the help of drones.


Blue whales are the largest animals to ever exist on Earth. In the last two centuries, massive whaling has brought them to the brink of extinction. Despite a global ban on commercial whaling in 1982, their numbers are still not recovering. No one’s sure exactly why.



That’s why Ocean Alliance is gathering data with the help of drones. With their unique new technique, they’re able to find out where whales go to give birth, what dictates their annual movement, and how climate change is impacting their health and feeding behavior. All this data is extremely important to protect blue whales and help their whole population recover.


Read on ->



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our Supporter

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See you next time here from Scotland, your @stef1 and @myskye


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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