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Shrooms anyone...


3 months agoSteemit3 min read


The garden never ceases to amaze! Last year was our first Winter in this house and I was surprised to discover that as the cooler weather rolled around our garden was suddenly laden with mushrooms of many weird and wonderful varieties! Apparently Autumn is "mushroom season" which I suppose makes sense, being that they thrive in a more moist environment.

I am absolutely clueless when it comes to mushrooms or toadstools - whichever and whatever, but they really are quite fascinating things! I know there are many people who go mushroom foraging and I have great respect for such individuals because I know I most certainly would NOT trust my own judgement on whether a mushroom was safe to consume or not.


There have been two rather unusual incidents with our fur child in the course of the last year where his behaviour has been very odd for a few hours at a time. I can only assume that at some point he came into contact with one of the shrooms growing in our garden.

I have tried using my plant app to identify some of them and though it is not really dedicated to fungi, it did essentially tell me that most of what we have growing here is highly poisonous and a couple of them apparently have hallucinogenic properties - though probably not the kind you want to ingest haha! and according to what I have discovered, definitely not ideal for our fur children to consume, lol.


"Brain food" as my father refers to the edible varieties which make up a part of our diet. I cannot help but wonder though - as I always have about hallucinogenics of all kinds (especially in nature) what their "true" purpose is?! Having had a history with that sort of thing and through that, a keen interest in subjects revolving around the different levels of consciousness and what influence or role hallucinogenic substances play in that... because I am an avid believer that they do play a role. I say that from a perspective of personal experience in that regard and I am not talking about having taken recreational shrooms, but rather its chemical counterpart LSD - the hallucinogenic aspect relatively parallel though.


I have done a fair amount of reading on the subject of consciousness and how different substances actually shift us into different (higher or lower) vibrational frequencies - Hallucinogenic, being one that actually moves us to one of the highest known states of consciousness. I am no expert, in fact a complete babe in the woods... but it sure is a fascinating topic.

There is no shortage of magic and mystery in mother nature and I am pretty sure that such plants, flowers and even fungi did not come to be without some sort of purpose. However, I will not be munching on any of our resident shrooms any time soon, lol.



Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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