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Navigating Steemit with When Steemit Isn't Really Working!


8 months agoSteemit4 min read

I suppose it's no secret to anyone that our Steemit community site is having some glitchy problems these days.

Sometimes, I'm not entirely sure where my content goes, and I'm not entirely sure what happens to my votes and comments, but I feel relatively certain that they are being recorded on the blockchain, even if they are not being recorded "in real time," all the time.


I can only hope there there is someone who's working on tidying up the mess, independently of the redesign and modernization efforts headed up by @the-gorilla.

Thankfully, there are a few "tools" we can use to remove some of the uncertainty.

Best — and most useful — of these is @steemchiller's excellent helper app., which I now have open all the time while I am using Steemit.

Because it is designed to pull data directly from the blockchain you can always double check whether your votes/comments/posts actually did post on Steemit.


I've been using Steemworld since pretty much my earliest days here, and find it invaluable, for many things.

Using the "Account Operations" Feature to Stay Updated

With comments and vote counts often not being accurate, the "Account Operations" is a great way to double check your content:

Screen shot from my SteemWorld page

The grayed arrows signify actions you take on other people's content. The colored arrows are actions other people took on your content.

If you click on the line of an action, it will open to the details of that line. Here, I'm opening an incoming comment notification.

Opened comment notification

Now, if you want to take action on an item — like responding to a comment — you can click the "permlink" and a new tab will open displaying that comment directly on Steemit, typically bypassing whatever "bug" has been messing with the commenting displays.

This is particularly handy when you can tell that there are multiple comments on your post, yet when you look at that post, no comments are displayed. It makes active engagement possible, even while engagement is otherwise quite challenging!

Using the "Mentions" Feature

Another feature that helps me stay current when things aren't working is the "Mentions" feed. This helps both with responding to comments, and with just knowing whether you were listed in a "digest" or contest or maybe "featured content" somewhere.

Looking at the "Mentions" feed

Also useful is the fact that the mentions include a direct link to the post where your username came up (underlined in red), opening a new tab with that content.

What Are My ACTUAL Rewards?

As part of the current uncertainty on Steemit, the amounts of post rewards frequently are not current and/or displaying correctly.

Once again, SteemWorld to the rescue!

Scroll down the page till you get to the "Posts" area, and you'll get something like this:

Posts waiting to pay out

Here, you'll get a list of your currently "active" posts, with the actual amounts of the estimated payout.

I actually prefer this over the Steemit display at any time, because the amounts listed accurately reflect payout without the value of the now defunct TRX rewards.


There's Much More!

Of course, there are hundreds of useful features on to help people better enjoy their Steemit experience... these were just some "basic survival tools" while there are a lot of errors/delays on

I encourage you to check around and explore the numerous other features... it's a very full featured app, and the usability is excellent.

So, just to recap... go to to access your page — substituting in your own user name after the "@" sign. It'll make navigating the current glitches a little easier!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of the week!

How about you? Are you familiar with, and using How are you dealing with the current errors/glitching on Steemit? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2024.02.27 23:48 PST


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