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SEC - S17W2 | "Homeless people in my country"


16 days agoSteemit4 min read





Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Scouts y sus Amigos Community:


"Homeless people in my country"


To be homeless can happen to everyone, sometimes it could be the fault of a person if he will decide:

  • not to work
  • spend all money for gambling and being a addictive to that
  • spend money and all what they have for drugs or alcohol those substances also make people addictive and we know that being under such influence some can commit crime without even thinking much about the consequences
  • maybe to split with partner and being thrown out of house
  • young people who split with parents and want to show that they are independent but they are not and who hesitate to come back because then they have to admit their failure
  • people after loosing their jobs , due to health issues or maybe the job was closed down and being elderly have no funds for living

Actually many of those circumstances having a psychological problem at their roots.

In our life we come across people who sleep on streets in tents or just laying on ground, often we just walk passing by and do not pay attention to them.


The lesson that I learnt


When I started my first job and received a salary I had a feeling that everything is nice and life is great.

Once when I was walking to work my path was going along the back of cinema and I noticed a woman probably about 30 years old and her son about 6 year old, who had a little space where they had some blankets and little place for sleep over, both when they noticed me were scared for a moment. When I saw them I just wanted to share something what I had and it was my pay day, I then decided to give them some money it was in value appr. 20 USD. When I started approaching them they wanted to walk away, but I called them and said that I just wanted to give them some money. Son came to me and took money, then returned to mother. When she saw the money she was surprised and thanked me. I simply said welcome and continued my way. I did not want to make her feel bad.

Since then I gave me a word that I will do any job but do my best not to land on street and that is still my position. I have no problem to do any job and feel that any job should be respected.


Social support in Scotland


If you are homeless in Scotland you have a chance to get a sheltered housing, the only what you need to do is to submit all necessary papers and application to Council.

We see often patients in hospital who then have no place to go. In that situation we have social workers who will find an appropriate accommodation for the person and also they will provide financial support so that people can buy necessary stuff for living: food, clothes, support for their children.

The important thing is that in order to get an accommodation it is also a job to find what you need to do and prepare all necessary papers, because without that you are not entitled for the process of application.

*I wish that everyone will do their best and take everything in their hands to avoid the situation that could lead them to live on a street.


I would like to invite @davidad, @senehasa, @fadlymatch for this challenge


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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