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SEC-S17 / W2 | What if you were the president of your country?


14 days agoSteemit5 min read


Zelensky - President of Ukraine



Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Steem For Pakistan Community:


Is it difficult to be President: Mr. Zelensky, Ukraine


Being a normal simple citizen of any country we have it much easier, because we know that the government together with president make important decisions and often it is in our best interests. It is difficult to please everyone because we are all different, we have our own wishes and interest. If one like something then it will definitely be another person who does not like it.

In my opinion those people who decide to be a face of country need our respect and support, even only because they decided to present us and to do everything so that it is good for us, the citizens of our country.

I wanted to give you an example of one of the strongest personality who is fighting hard to protect his citizen and to keep his country.

Mr Zelensky, from the first days of his presidency decided that he will try to protect his country fellow and not to give up, even now despite of more than two years he is still continuing to work hard and carrying our his responsibilities.

We all know that with time, even this war in Europe becomes something that Media will bring up less and less but that does not mean that people suffering less. Many countries at the very beginning provided immediate help, but recently it is difficult to motivate some of countries to continue their help.

I wanted to express my respect to Mr Zelensky because:

  • he still stay hard and continues to protect his countries and not tired to travel to any country of Europe and USA multiple times to tell stories about his country that is tired and need help

  • we are in Europe lucky to have such a strong leader, because who know if it will be someone else then he could say that now after more than two years he wants to save those who are left in Ukraine and advise them to leave country and to escape as refugee to Europe. At the moment we even do not think about that but if such situation happens and the citizens of whole country need to leave and seek for shelter that means 38 Million people will need to be taken by European countries as war refugees.

  • he has not be tired to continue visiting any possible gathering of NATO and EU parliament as well as US parliament.

Are you ready to do what Mr. Zelensky does for his country? I do not think that I am strong enough to follow his example.


Is it difficult to be President: Mr. Biden



Biden - President of USA


You might think that it is easy and good to be a President in USA, but in reality it is not the case. The more developed country people are more demanding its citizen, if they are not happy with anything they will blame the government even though often the new government starts their work on what was left by old government that just left

The time when Biden came it was a hard time with four years of Trump ruling and we all what was left and what happened.

He is good president, I like his politic but only the weakness he has is his age, I do not think he is a good candidate for a second presidential time. In my opinion the good president will know when to leave and if I were him I would have prepared my successor so that he is the next presidential candidate.


Is it difficult to be President: Mr. Macron



Macron - President of France


Mr. Macron had similar story like Mr Zelensky, he was a newcomer and had a strong program that offered an alternative way for the country than the previous government, he started his own movement called "en Marche" the movement that became extremely popular especially among young generation.

What I liked in his personality:

  • confidence despite of lack of experience he did not hesitate and decided to go for it
  • he like challenges
  • his country being a part in EU contributes in all the projects


What if you were the president of your country?


if I ask a question myself, what will be my action plan:

  • definitely reduce retiring age to 65
  • people who do not work and receive social support, should accept any work that will be offered by Job Centre even if they need to clean the streets as garbage picker and if refusing after a year their social support should be cut down
  • to put a cap on growing council tax and income tax
  • health care system need more funds as well as people should have free health care as well as dental work

Being a President should be limited to two President terms and not more in order to prevent temptation of corruption.


I would like to invite @davidad, @amjadali00, @hudamalik20 for this challenge


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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