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From Fear to Fortitude: Building Courage for Major Financial Ventures


9 months agoSteemit7 min read

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Hey, steem projects friends-hope you are always healthy and successful, on this occasion I want to share about,Doing something big and important is not as easy as saying it. Often we don't know how to start and, even if we do, we rarely have the knowledge and strength necessary to get started. Additionally, we almost always have the most urgent things to do so that we derail long-term goals. I know what the basic advice is, as always: one step at a time is all you need, divide the work into phases, or manageable chunks, focus on the first important small steps that will move you forward, and avoid distractions.

That is good advice. However, based on my experience and current situation, that advice alone is not enough. Because the reason we fear starting big, long-term projects isn't just because we have too much time or don't know where to start. And that's not because we don't think it's important. In fact, the opposite is true. The obvious reason why I'm thinking about postponing a big project is because it's important and I don't want to mess it up. It was so important that I was too scared to start working on it.

Having a stable and sustainable business is a dream that everyone wants to achieve, and it is an important project that can strike fear in your heart when you think about starting to work on it. I don't know how to express my feelings properly. For the first time in my life, I felt afraid and afraid of failure. That I would need a lot of extra energy and support to succeed, and spend a lot of time on it while giving up some other responsibilities. I felt overwhelmed knowing the financial requirements for such a project and unfortunately, I was discouraged. My thoughts: If I can't do it, why start?

The biblical commandment says to calculate the cost of a project to see whether you can do it or not before starting the project. Working on such orders created more fear in me because the cost of rent and equipment for shopping centers was very expensive. Apart from that, I am also afraid of the impact of delays which could be worse.

I think I am ready to take on this business project because several preparations such as procurement of goods and several other things have been done. But deep inside me, a part of me was filled with fear. Then I learned elsewhere that any big project is like a mirror. It reflects your thoughts, your efforts, and your personality. Your whole life is in it. Failure in long-term projects is not just a financial problem but an identity problem. When we know our personality, we will try to create a world that suits that personality. Is it strange that we have to procrastinate?

Now, what should be my solution? Should I ignore the fear? I admit it. I needed someone to relate to and share my worries with. Ideally, I confide in my boyfriend after showing him his business plan, which makes him very excited

Now that you know that you are going to start working on a business project, take a moment to calm down and feel the fear that arises because of the importance of the project. Fear is natural. Maybe you're afraid you don't have enough money. money to continue a project after starting it, but not starting it doesn't guarantee that either. Maybe you're afraid of failing to start a business after the initial procurement of equipment and labor and don't want to be a laughing stock. But how do you know what the outcome will be if you don't start?". I think I now know how to deal with my anxiety

How I plan to overcome my fears Accepting my fears Yes, the fear is real and I have to not only acknowledge it but accept it. There's nothing wrong with feeling afraid. Everyone has fears in one area or another in their lives. I don't need to try to reduce anxiety. That would be a wrong and weak and courageous answer. Accepting my fears is an acknowledgment that I may not have everything I need to fulfill my hopes; I may not have all the financial requirements to do something perfectly. Acknowledging that, reduces my expectations of being perfect when I bat

Fear is the most difficult emotion I have ever experienced in my life. Why? Because it goes completely against everything I believe in and everything I'm trying to achieve. Although I am aware of the fact that everyone experiences fear, I have never been very good at dealing with it. This emotion is always there and ready to destroy me if something or someone invades my dreams. This has stopped me from doing a lot of things in the past, but now, I won't let fear win again.

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Lowered my expectations

Knowing someone's fears also serves you another important purpose. When you realize that you don't have all the tools, knowledge, skills and financial support to see your project progress, you learn to divide your project into a manageable stage-by-stage implementation and define the necessary tools, work skills and skills. and finance appropriately and progressively.

Instead of looking at the number of rugs on a staircase, I have to focus on one rug at a time. The big picture is best put aside, for now, to allow focus on parts of the same picture.

General advice is not important at this stage as it will create more fear and confusion in your mind. If you want to know the market price of an item, it is better to go to the market to find out for yourself. People always want to be praised for what they have done by providing false information. For example, when I asked a friend who was already in the business I was involved in, how much it would cost to get the initial equipment and labor, the amount he told me was like an earthquake in my heart. However, when I conveyed the business plan to an experienced entrepreneur in the field, the amount I was told was two times lower than what I was previously told.

Deciding when and how to start

Haven't had to face any initial fears or anxieties, it's finally time to decide when and how to start the first phase and employ the job skills necessary for the job. However, I feel like those fears may still resurface when work begins. There may still be feelings of rejection. But now I know what it is. And I will notify those concerned, so it will be easier to continue the work.

I know some people may think that I am blind or thrifty. But it doesn't have to be hunting. Telling others that you are intimidated by something you have to do gives them permission to feel, express their concerns, and perhaps provide any support they can. There may be people who are kind, supportive, and empathetic. And such support can make a difference to the overall look of the project. I hope it is useful and interesting for you to read and it will also be an experience for you, what have you started, thank you, if there are errors in my words, I apologize because I used Google Translate into your language, thank you


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