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The Diary Game - Soursop, the fruit against Cancer. / Guanabana, la fruta contra el Cancer.


5 months agoSteemit3 min read



Hello dear friends, a big greeting to all. After a while of wanting to eat this tasty fruit, today I was able to buy 2 kilos of this delicacy and give myself the pleasure of eating it and having a refreshing glass of juice. This fruit is classified as the anti-cancer fruit, its skin, seeds and pulp contribute to fighting cancer. Of course it is much better if we prevent it, but since this is what they say helps eliminate it.


The first thing to do is wash the fruit well on the outside since it comes dirty and handled by many people. Then the green skin is removed and then we remove the seeds. Some people say these seeds also have a beneficial effect when used as a tea. The seeds are allowed to dry and then they are ground and this powder is poured into a bowl with hot water and a medicinal tea that fights Cancer comes out.


Since I want to use it as juices, what I did was pack them in small bags so that I could have them in portions every time I was going to prepare a glass of juice.



So I took one of the bags and put it in the blender and blended it with a little water and added half a tablespoon of Stevia sweetener, which is the most advisable to use. And my juice was very refreshing and tasty.

I was also using the leaf of the Soursop plant as a tea before I had breast surgery, it doesn't taste like anything and can be taken unsweetened or if you prefer, use it with a little sweetener but it actually tastes good without sweetness.


Traduccion al Español:

Hola queridos amigos, un gran saludo para todos. Despues de un tiempo queriendo comer esta sabrosa fruta, hoy pude comprar 2 kilos de este manjar y darme el gusto de comerla y tomarme un refrescante vaso de jugo. Esta fruta esta catalogada como la fruta anti Cancer, su piel, sus semillas y su pulpa contribuyen a combatir el cancer. Claro es mucho mejor si lo prevenimos, pero ya que esta dicen que lo ayuda a eliminar.

Lo primero que hay que hacer es lavar bien la fruta por fuera ya que viene sucia y manoseada por muchas personas. Luego se le quita la piel verde y despues sacamos las semillas. Estas semillas dicen algunas personas que tambien hacen efecto beneficiosa usandolo como un te. Se dejan secar las semillas y luego se muelen y este polvo se vierte en un posillo con agua caliente y sale un te medicinal que combate el Cancer.

Como yo la quiero usar como jugos, yo lo que hice fue envasarlas en bolsas pequeñas para asi tenerlas por porciones cada vez que vaya a prepararme un vaso de jugo.

Asi que tome una de las bolsitas y la eche en la licuadora y con un poco de agua la licue y le agregue media cucharada de endulzande de Stevia, que es el mas aconsejable de usar. Y mi jugo quedo muy refrescante y sabroso.

La hoja de la planta de la Guanabana tambien la estuve usando como te antes de que me operaran del seno, no sabe a nada y se puede tomar sin endulzar o si lo prefieres usalo con un poco de edulcorante pero en realidad sabe bien sin dulce.


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