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Choices! What will it be? #68


last monthSteemit4 min read

Jajaja, jaja!

Sunday means rest day. Everybody here has experienced student life, and that Sunday vacation from school, that feeling, being off from school, wowww...😜

Personally, I would always be happy for a Sunday vacation from school, but hey, there must be exceptional cases. During my school career to university career, I knew some students who were unhappy with Sunday vacations. If they had control, there would be no school vacation on Sunday.


As for me, however, I just love Sundays. In truth, nothing can beat the feeling one experiences when they wake up and realize there's no rush to get ready for school.

You can sleep a bit more in bed, enjoying the warmth of your blanket, which is simply priceless.

Then there's breakfast. Ah, slowly having breakfast on a Sunday—no gulping of cereal while you reach for your backpack. You can really be laid-back about it and relish every mouthful of pancakes or waffles. Maybe even throw in some chocolate chips, because why not? It's Sunday!

Sunday is family time for many. It could be a big family brunch or just lounging around and watching movies; whatever it is, it's quality time hard to come by during a busy week. There's something about that relaxed Sunday atmosphere—whatever it may be—that gives everybody a slight cheerful feeling.

Not to mention the Sundays that are reserved for nothing but utter indolence. Perfect for hobbies, TV series binging, or just being really idle—all with no looming over your head of homework deadlines—just pure, unadulterated relaxation. Sundays seem to be good for a bit of self-care if you're anything like me: a nice, long bath, a good book, or an afternoon siesta in the sun.

Of course, there are always those few who use Sunday to get ahead on their studies. Kudos to them! Yet, let's be honest—for most people, it is about an entire day of recharging and doing nothing at all, feeling good about it.

Then there's the food. It is in the Sunday dinner that you find things of beauty. It doesn't matter whether it's home-made or even take-out food; it's just special. Perhaps because you can have your time eating it without getting up the next day.

Now, I know some of you will think Sundays are boring. No school, no friends to hang out with, right? That is what makes Sunday so special. It's the perfect excuse to indulge in some 'me time'. Plus, where there is modern technology, you can always catch up with friends online.


And then there is the Sunday night ritual of planning for the week ahead. For some, this may be a chance to get organized and feel really productive for the night; for others, it serves as a little reminder that there is always a fresh start waiting on Monday.

So, there you have it. Sunday: a day of rest, relaxation, and recharging. Whether you spend it in bed, with family, or catching up on some of your favorite hobbies, it's one day to really love. And to those very few who do not appreciate a Sunday off, well, to each his own. As for me, I am right here enjoying every minute of it.

And just as the sun sets on a blissful Sunday, there's that comforting thought: another week is about to begin, but for now, let's savor the last peaceful moments of this wonderful, lazy day. Cheers to Sundays!

Happy Sunday, everyone! 😜


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