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On-chain Data Manipulation Attack And It's Mode Of Operation


yesterdaySteemit5 min read

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The blockchain network is one that is built and based on the blockchain technology, its decentralized and immutable or tamper proof features which provides it advanced, complex and robust security protocols and mechanisms however, the blockchain's advanced and robust security protocols does not make it immune to every kind of attacks.

The blockchain technology and its network has flaws, weaknesses and vulnerabilities that can be exploited and taken advantage of to execute and propagate different kinds and forms of digital or cryptographic attacks with different modes of propagation or operating techniques, one of these attacks is the On chain data manipulation attack.

This attack basically targets the data and information which are stored and managed within the blockchain network itself, in this attack the attacker seeks or aims to alter, corrupt, manipulate or deceive the network, this attack undermines the trust of users and disrupt the operations of the network.

In this post I am going to be explaining and discussing some of the different significant and noteworthy modes of propagation or operating techniques of the on vhain data manipulation attack.


One mode of propagation or technique in which the on chain manipulation attack operates is basically be facilitating a double spending attack, this is a very significant and noteworthy mode of operation of the on chain manipulation attack.

Double spending attack simply involves an attacker or malicious individual using any means at his or her disposal to manipulate the blockchain and cryptocurrency network so as to be able to spend this same token or cryptocurrency more than once, by implementing on chain manipulation attackers can temporarily manipulate transaction data and spend tokens more than once.

Additionally, this is simply executed when the attacker initiates a transaction, and before it is confirmed by the network, they initiate another transaction using the same asset or cryptocurrency, they compromise the consensus mechanism allowing the second transaction to be confirmed and allowing the attacker to spend the same asset twice.


Another significant mode of operation of the on chain manipulation attack is replay attack, the replay attack is one that occurs or is propagated and facilitated by an attacker when he or she maliciously or illegally intercepts and resend or retransmits valid transactions from one blockchain to another blockchain.

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For this replay attack to be successfully launched though the two blockchain networks must have to share the same protocols, consensus mechanism and so on, just like during forking, the attacker therefore takes advantage of the fact that the two blockchains are likely to process transactions in the same way to execute a replay attack.

Additionally, in the event or instance of a successfully launched or executed replay attack the attacker can decide to proceed further to manipulate the on chain transaction data for illegal and malicious purposes like facilitating and processing invalid and unauthorized transactions, double spending and so on.


Timestamp manipulation, this is basically another mode of operation of the on chain data attack and it basically involves or occurs where the attacker finds a malicious and illegal way to alter and tamper with the timestamp which is associated with a block or transaction, by doing so they can have the ability and power to tamper and manipulate how transactions are stored.

The attacker can do this because the different many blockchain networks depend or operate by using the timestamps of transactions to determine the order in which transactions are arranged and in doing so it ensures the effective and proper functioning of transactions or contracts that are time sensitive and maintain the integrity of the chain.

An attacker gaining control over the timestamp and having the power and ability to manipulate the order of transactions or even make it so that the blockchain network accepts fraudulent blocks has many significant and noteworthy consequences or possible effects such as disrupting the sequence of events on the chain, exploitting time sensitive smart contracts for financial gain.


Oracles can basically be said to be a third party service that provides the blockchain network and its smart contracts, therefore Oracle manipulation can be said to be another significant mode of operation of the on chain manipulation attack, the oracle manipulation occurs in a blockchain network when an attacker interferes with the data provided by the oracle as a result, leading to incorrect or fraudulent information being fed into the smart contract.

This mode of operation of the on chain manipulation attack can have consequences that are very severe seeing as it causes the smart contracts to execute transactions or contracts based on manipulated or censored data and information and that could lead to large scale financial loss and other severe consequences.

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In conclusion I would like to use this opportunity and paragraph to make my appreciation known and to say a very big thank to everyone who made the effort to read and go through this post which I have made, and I hope that you have been able to learn something new as I have explained and discussed four of the different significant mode of operation of the on chain manipulation attack.


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