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The Moon Tells: The Wonders of Earth. | Episode II


12 days agoSteemit4 min read

The Moon and the Oak: A Symbol of Resilience

Dear friends of Freewriters, I want to share with you another thought that has been on my mind since this summer. During my vacation in Peschici, in the Gargano region, on August 15th, I managed to capture a photo of the moon that truly surprised me. For years, I had tried to photograph it with my iPhone 6, but each time the moon appeared only as a blurry, glowing orb. Then, on that special night, out of six shots, one turned out differently: the moon revealed itself. It may not be very detailed, but from my perspective, it was a great success—I was amazed. As I looked at it more closely, I felt as if it wanted to reveal something to me.

This unexpected capture led me to think: perhaps the moon wishes to communicate with us, admiring from afar the wonders of Earth that it can never host. This idea inspired a series of posts that I am sharing here with you in Freewriters: each day, I will publish a photo of a natural element of Earth, viewed through the fascinated and melancholic gaze of the moon.

Through these posts, I hope to convey the messages of hope and reflection that the moon inspired in me that night. Together, may we learn to see our Earth with new eyes, appreciating its unique and irreplaceable beauty in the universe.

The image of the natural element in this post was generated with the help of artificial intelligence, while the photo of the moon was taken by me during my vacation in Peschici, in the Gargano region, on August 15th, using an iPhone 6. I then combined these images using Photoshop to create a unique composition that represents the dialogue between Earth and its silent celestial observer. Each element of Earth is admired by the Moon, which, from afar, invites us to reflect on the beauty and fragility of our planet.

I have created a series of hybrid images where the moon, photographed by me, merges with natural elements generated by artificial intelligence. This stylistic choice, with a graphic imprint, aims to capture attention and provoke deep reflection. By presenting Earth's elements in a stylized and iconic way, I hope to raise awareness about the importance of preserving our planet. While it may seem contradictory to discuss environmental conservation through artificial technologies, this unusual mix of reality and digital creativity serves to highlight Earth's uniqueness and fragility, encouraging each of us to reflect and act with greater awareness.


"The Moon and the Oak: A Symbol of Resilience"

Image: A majestic oak tree against a black background, with the moon gazing in admiration.

The Moon gazed at the mighty oak, strong and steadfast, its roots deeply anchored in the Earth. It knew nothing of slow growth or the time marked by the rings of a trunk. All it knew was cold stone and dust. The Moon admired the strength of that tree, standing tall against wind and time, a symbol of life and resilience it could never host.

The oak, with its deep roots and majestic presence, reminds us of the strength and resilience of life. The Moon invites us to reflect on these qualities and find our inner strength, just like the oak.

The Moon observes the Earth and marvels at its beauties, wondering why we, who have the privilege of living them, often take them for granted. Let us protect what makes our planet unique in the universe.

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From the man on the moon, thank you for reading @ibesso.

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Shady Forest, Peschici

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The Moon Tells: The Wonders of Earth. | Episode I


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The Moon Tells: The Wonders of Earth. | Episode III


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The Moon Tells: The Wonders of Earth. | Episode IV



The Moon Tells: The Wonders of Earth. | Episode V

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The Moon Tells: The Wonders of Earth. | Episode VI

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