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The Gherkin Tower


13 days agoSteemit4 min read

There's a lamppost in the corner just as you are about to enter the paved street. Once again, the old Victorian architecture of the building on each side of the road never ceases to amaze. There is a box of young tree saplings on the pedestrian walk, each with an identical lamppost. The beige walls and the little greenery elevate the picturesque idea of a stately, English street. The wispy clouds gliding along the cheerful blue sky further raised my spirits.

Down the road is an old man tending to a boxed young tree. His kind, white face beams up in acknowledgment as he momentarily looks around. The only other person on this street is a middle-aged woman opposite the man. She's on a call, and her face is red with anger as she gestures wildly. I don't bother to make eye contact with her. Further down the street is a parked sleek-looking Mercedes and farther down, at the foot of the street's exit, is a traffic regulator.

Just as I find the regulator's presence odd, my eyes trace the arch Victorian exit structure to the large, domineering dome in the peripheral distance. I stagger back, astonished I didn't notice such a grand building in the first place. Donning a spherical shape, unlike the skyscrapers back home, its top tapers off to a pointed apex. Light bounces off the blue and white aerodynamic glass walls, giving the gigantic skyscraper a majestic and menacing view. Though many would find it beautiful, and I can see its appeal, I think it is ominous.


I find my legs retracing their steps to approach the old man. As I inch closer, I notice that his genial features are strained. That, the raging woman opposite and the needless traffic regulator unnerve me. I greet him and watch his face wrinkle into a kind smile followed by a hearty reply.

I begin, "That is a lovely tree" he nodded, "If you don't mind me asking, what is that big, blue building over there? It's not on my map so it must be new. What is it for?"

As if he had been waiting for the question his whole life, he chattered off. "Oh, you're a tourist, eh? You should know better than to trust a map. Been there, got lost the whole day. It's good to ask directions every second. Better than a map, of course. Now, if you need anything, let me know. And, of course, I'll be..." I politely asked him about the building again, wondering how I'd ever get away from the chatterbox.

He started again, "Oh that building? It caused quite a stir from its conception till now. Kids call it the Gherkin Tower. It's like any other skyscraper, I'll gladly let you know. It's just...different. A place for commerce, stuff like that. See that old chap over there? She's supposed to be the chairman. Or woman." he grunted "She's supposed to 'help' and all. Unless she blows the damn building, I can't fathom what help she thinks she is to anyone. What's done is done. The townspeople just have to get used to it. I think she's in cahoots with the developers and knocking everyone's heads together. Not my head though. The building hasn't hurt anyone. In fact,..."

I glanced at the woman and noted how much she closely resembled a raging bull, steam and all. The little, biased information I was receiving whirled in my head. Huge, aerospace-looking skyscrapers and angry, archaic residents. The old man was still talking.

"...I just clear the weed off my old Sabrina like a fresh chap. The workers in that building are very nice once you get to know them. No fuss. We should fuss less, don't you think?"

I blinked at him, and he blinked back, waiting for an answer. I wrapped it up instead. "Yes, of course. You're right. Thanks for filling me in on this whole development. But I should really get going. Bye. Thank you."

As I jostled off, I thought of the waving, opinionated man, the aggressive chairwoman, and the advanced skyscraper and shuddered with foreign anticipation.

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