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The Diary Game Betterlife | 30-April-2024


18 days agoSteemit2 min read

Hello, I'm @afrin-mona

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.

I woke up this morning and prayed Fajr. Then I swept the yard of the house. Since our yard is very big, it takes a lot of time to sweep. It takes approximately 1 hour. Then I made tea breakfast. In the morning I made bread for everyone. I fried potatoes with it. Then one by one everyone woke up and had breakfast. Meanwhile, my son will not eat bread in any way except fried eggs. So I fried him an egg. Then I washed all the dishes. Then I cleaned the rooms.


Then I gave my daughter breakfast. Then I brought vegetables to cook for lunch. I have a domestic chicken. The chicken gave birth. All her children were eaten by dogs. And there is a baby, that hen walks around with a baby all day long. On the other hand. I have two farm chickens. Chickens lay 2 eggs per day. Farm chickens are kept in cages. Feed them, let them eat rice. I clean their closet every day.



Let the goats eat rice, husks and gura. The goat is now healthy. I like pets very much. My daughter enjoys watching these. I cooked vegetables, shutki bharta and potato curry for lunch. I don't like to eat any food in such heat. But what else do you have to eat? Today my body is not so good. How restless it seems. Hands and feet feel weak.


I bathed the boys and girls. After that I also took a bath and ate. I am sitting eating at that time my daughter's cry. She is restless to sleep. So I slept with her without delay. And I gave the boy with his father. They are father and son asleep.


I woke up and brought all the clothes. After performing Asr prayer, I made afternoon tea and ate it together. I made noodles. Then we all ate together. We all went to see the wedding of a girl next door.

This was my program for the whole day today.

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