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Spanish lessons through literature/creative writing: "clase n.7 tercer acto"


13 days agoSteemit3 min read

EL DIARIO DE DIEGO: clase n.7 tercer acto (el humo hasta puede matar)

Hola, mis queridos amigos y amigas, apuesto a que ustedes, a su vez, están muriéndose de curiosidad. Ustedes quieren que les cuente lo que Miguel y yo escuchamos a través del cerrojo de la puerta de la pieza de mi abuela. Sin embargo, la pura verdad es que Miguel y yo no logramos escuchar naranja, pues fuimos agarrados antes de conseguirlo. Y ya saben lo mucho que se enojó mi mamá. Solo unos días más tarde me lo contó mi abuela en gran secreto. Mejor dicho, nos lo contó a mi hermana y a mí. Ocurrió que el señor Isidro, el papá de Miguel, hace una semana se fue al kiosco a comprar puchos y nunca más volvió a casa. Entonces, doña Angustias quiso venir a desahogarse con mi abuela y mi mamá. Hay que saber que mi papá se lo había advertido varias veces al señor Isidro que parase de fumar, como que un día pudiera hacerle daño el humo. De tanto fumar, hasta te podés morir...

Dictionary and slang:

APOSTAR (here conjugated in the simple present tense, first singular person -APUESTO-): literally it means TO BET, but in the context of this lesson means TO BE SURE.

NARANJA: literally it means ORANGE (both the fruit and the colour), but in this text is a lunfardo slang, meaning NADA (the learned word) = NOTHING.


PUCHO/S: another lunfardo slang word, meaning CIGARRILLO/S (the learned word) = CIGARETTE/S. To not confuse with PUCHERO/PUCHERITO = STEWPOT.

DESAHOGARSE = TO BLOW OFF STEAM (in Spanish is a reflexive verb).



Here the video-slide with the pronunciation:

I registered the pronunciation and I added an image for the video-slide from Pixabay, among those can be freely used. You find it here:
Video-slide prepared with the free tools Slideshow Creator and ClipChamp default for Windows11.

Did you read the lesson and watched the video-slide? Very well, let's go now to see the English translation🤗:

DIEGO'S DIARY (=EL DIARIO DE DIEGO): lesson n.7 second part: smoke can even kill (=clase n.7 segundo acto: el humo hasta puede matar)

Hello, my dear friends, I'm sure you, in your turn, are dying of curiosity. You want me to tell you what Miguel and I heard through the keyhole on the door of my grandma's room. However, the plain truth is that Miguel and I didn't get to hear nothing, because we were caught before we got to it. And you know how angry my mother was. It was only a few days later that my grandmother told me in great secrecy. Or rather, she told to my sister and me. It happened that Mr. Isidro, Miguel's father, a week ago went to the kiosque to purchase cigarettes and never returned home. So Mrs. Angustias wanted to come and blow off steam with my grandmother and my mum. You have to know that my dad had warned Mr. Isidro various times to stop smoking, as one day smoke might harm him. You can even die from smoking...

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