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The Problem With Gold


3 months agoSteemit6 min read


We spend a lot of time and effort moving, pulverizing, leaching, smelting and refining gold. Why?

The amount of gold we use for jewellery is a paltry amount (in comparison), and plating electronics connectors even less.

We spend all that time and energy to take the gold out of the ground, and then we put it into a dark vault, usually buried in the ground. If we looked at gold without our programming, if we took off the green tinted glasses, we would see that gold really isn't all that precious, and it isn't that useful. (Gold makes GREAT non-stick, hypo-allergenic pans)

However, since gold isn't really that important to anything else, it might be great for coinage. Too bad the really wealthy like to buy it up and store it in their vaults. And people don't really like to carry coins, and have become accustomed to not even carrying cash.

And we haven't even brought up the worst aspect of gold, we don't know how much of it there is out there, in vaults.

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Gold is Supposed to Be Rare

Gold is a "Precious Metal". Precious meaning rare, in this usage.
But there is so much of it everywhere.

Iron pyrite has a gold atom in each cube, that is why it looks gold. You are just a fool to try to get it out. (unless you are smelting iron) Gold by the tons in ocean water. The Grand Canyon has tons of gold (you aren't even allowed to take a pebble out of that national park) Chocolate Mountain has tons of gold (under a military artillery practice range). Gold is everywhere.

The Incan's had so much gold that it was just used as decoration. Not valuable at all.

Gold is everywhere, but no where is it more abundant than in private vaults of the rots-childs and similar. (the owners of the central banks, where even more gold is also stored.)

Gold is said to be a money because it is "rare". But what if that is not the case? What if it is only "rare" because it is hoarded so tightly by so few?

There is a stated amount of gold in vaults, but this number is assumed to be low. If you add any of the known gold flows, it should be 10x that amount. If you add any of the rumors, Like Tanaka's Gold, then it is probably way more than that.

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Why do we pay so much for something so useless?

If we really used gold, even if it was stamped into easily recognized gold coins (easily recognized by everyone, every cashier) then that would be something.

But, we don't. The rots-childs and their bankster friends are the only people who really covet the stuff. In fact, most of the west believed them when they said "gold is a barbarous relic." Only in countries where the currency wasn't stable has gold stayed in the assets class.

We use gold as a decoration, and that is mostly a holdover from a time when you wore your wealth around your neck.

Today, you pay 1000% markup on gold jewellery. Buying gold at a jewellery store is way to just throw your money away.

And, if the rots-childs wished it, the could sell gold at $20 an ounce for neigh on forever, they have tons of it, and have been accumulating for centuries. They could easily supply the jewellery industry for centuries.

So, why do we value it so much? Why really?

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The short term future of gold

Gold is going to go up in price.

There are two prices for gold. The COMEX gold spot price for normies, and the real gold price that big buyers pay.

They are not supposed to say, but it has been hinted at a lot, that if you want to buy tons of gold, you are going to wait, you are going to be at THEIR whim, and you will pay 3-5x the spot price of gold.

The COMEX spot price is highly manipulated. It is kept down so as not to scare the normies about their dollars losing purchasing power. If gold were at $10,000 an ounce, what would you think of paper's value? GATA has done a lot of research on the manipulation

That said, T.H.E.Y. are going to lose control over the gold price. and/or T.H.E.Y. are going to reset the price of gold/revalue the dollar/currencies. And this will be all of a sudden.

Gold will go up slowly until this happens. Then silver will break free, and go up by a dollar a day, then five a day… Then gold will break out.

We will see people in California panning for gold to buy food.

Gold will be very valuable. As all the other paper currencies crumble.

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The long term future of gold

And then you should sell your gold, because in the longer term, gold goes to the value of a shiny, yellow metal. Out comes gold cookware.

Several things happen:

  • Bitcoin takes over the money aspect all over the world
  • Gold is easily vibrated out of stone with new technology (or sea water)
  • Gold is seen as the devil's money (Rots-childs money)

Bitcoin will overtake gold. It is just that much more useful. …and transparent, and known quantity, and known flow… Gold can't be sent around the world in 10 minutes.

New technology will make mining gold as easy as taking your boom-box out to the desert. Once we get here, gold is there for the taking. Take what you need. Well, there isn't much need. It is just a pretty, yellow, piece of metal.

As the economies of the world break down, we will find their arises private armies. And the rots-childs will be those controlling those armies. They will be paid in gold, since the rots-childs destroyed all the currencies. And when people realize that gold is flowing through the local economy because these goons are using that to buy food/girls, a lot of people will just stop dealing with gold.

In the further future, the whole mystique, the monetary metal of ancient times, will just, stay in ancient times. We have created far better monies (bitcoin is just the beginning) and so we will just discard gold as being precious metal. It will just be a base metal.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


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