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Let's compare the macroeconomic environments πŸ€”


4 days agoSteemit2 min read


BTC(Bitcoin) was born after the economic crisis of the Subprime Mortgage in 2008. Then, BTC has been growing through the method that the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Fed solves the economic crisis via the QE(Quantitative Easing) as they've always been during the last decades. As the result, the middle class ratio has been decreasing, and the wealth gap has increased.

I agree somewhat about this monetary policy. Because, if the liquidity of money is stuck, people won't invest companies, and less buy products than before. It's like stale water. When the Fed provides more money, the value of people savings decreases. People have no choice to keep holding their savings. That's the point that the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Fed wants.

The COVID-19 was the first macroeconomic crisis when the BTC met. At that time, the Fed started rapidly decreasing the Federal Funds Rate. BTC had never experienced it. A few months later, the crypto market skyrocketed.

Alright, what if the Fed keeps decreasing the interest rate until the next year? Isn't the macroeconomic environment similar to in 2020? According to ChatGPT, when the yield spread between 10y-3m of the U.S. Treasury bonds was recovered from minus to plus, the possibility of Goldilocks is around 20%, that means if Goldilocks appears in the future, enthusiastic hodlers will be able to get insane profits.


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