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The Diary Game ๐ŸŒŸ 13 July 2024 ๐ŸŒŸ Better Life || โ˜”First day of Practical Review at the University ๐Ÿฆท Alone at Home๐Ÿ™‚


3 months agoSteemit6 min read

Good day my Fellow Steemians!


A sunny day to all! Storm has gone out of the Philippine area and has gone north. As the days brightens, we then again are grateful to God who never left us in our time of need and guides us to safety. Hope all are well and are safe. May our God bless us with more success in life, knowledge, love, good health, happiness and peace. Take care and stay safe as always.
Today is the start of our practical review at the university. I began my day waking up at 4 in the morning since we are starting at 7 am. I got up at 4:05 a.m. took downstairs all the heavy stuff that I will bringing with me. I was not able to eat breakfast but were able to have some cupcakes.

Carrying two heavy bags. On my bag has the motor and on the yellow bag contains all the materials needed for todays practical.

I finished preparing and it started raining. What pisses me off is that my umbrella broke, good thing my younger brothers umbrella is still intact and borrowed it. As of tonight when I got home, I will be alone since the while family will be at an event of our auntie's 70th birthday at Rizal in a Resort that they will be staying overnight.
I waited for another 30 minutes before leaving and my mom called me via video call on messenger. We talked and told me things to be careful and wishes me luck today. I got off at 5:30 even though it is still raining.


I got on the bus and thankfully there were some empty seats which I am able to put my things as I am carrying something so heavy and it was mostly my dental materials. I arrived 30 minutes earlier and were able to pick a nice chair for me and my friend at the end of the room. As I know that my friend is a shy type person when talking to professors. I waited for my friend as I arrived earlier than her.
I even when outside and buy myself a garbage bag since we needed it and I forgot to buy/ bring one for myself. I bought a whole pack yet I only need one. My friend then just bought it for me in exchange with a typodont tooth that I lack in my typodont jaw teeth set.


We began the practical review after an hour of lecture to take some note before proceeding to doing the practical. We began our morning exercise doing Restorative Dentistry tooth restoration and Fixed Partial Denture tooth preparation. We only did prepare sets of teeth and were being taught by the assigned proctors to teach us and mostly the ones that taught us are top notchers in the Board Exam this May 2024.


We were asked to transfer room as we were done by the given time to finish our practical review in the morning and were on to the next practical activity. But first we were given an hour of lunch break and me and my friend bought our lunch at the Korean stand at the mall. We got back 30 minutes after and were asked to eat at the lobby downstairs since we are not allowed to eat inside the laboratory room.


After lunch, we began our 3rd activity which is designing and doing a written work authorization of a Removable partial denture design. We were taught how to properly write an authorization and how to draw the cast on the paper given to us. We were given 2 hours to finish it and were also taught by group and lectured.

We were then dismissed at 4pm got home by 5:30 p.m. Alone at home since my brothers left this afternoon on their way to the Resort party. I was also invited but due to the schedule, I did not took the risk in rescheduling the practical review.
The moment I left home and back, I felt pain on my foot and the reason was there was a huge callous that peeled off which stings and so I cleaned my wound and placed a bandage on it.

Cleaned and packed up with cotton and micropore for less infection. It still stings even though it is covered.

I cleaned first before having my dinner. I felt crazy as I went on talking to three of our pets at the same time. They were all on me and were seemed to be looking for attention. They might have felt that I fell lonely as I was alone in the house. I then prepared my dinner and reheated the food that are on the table.

My dinner is served.

I turned the television on and watched some anime latest updates on Crunchyroll. I watched 3 anime and it was funny and wholesome.


I rested and was feeling tired. I watched some YouTube videos mostly from The First Take, DISH and created a story out of it being my delusional self. The song was shockingly related to what I was imagining for being so delusional and it makes me more delusional and thought of a story/novel for it. I wanted to write my own book for it.

I love the songs and I love him too and it was so heartwarming and it even makes you cry and imagined that the song was meant for you. By 7:30, I went upstairs and was planning on sleeping but ended up reading some manhwa updates. I slept at 11 p.m. and since the 2nd day of the practical continues tomorrow.

That was it for now, Hope everyone are in good health. And may we all be blessed more and more and may our world find peace and stop all war. May we all stay healthy and live a normal longer life again little by little.
Thank you and God bless us all. Thank you to this awesome human beings for making steemit worthwhile.


Let's keep Steemit and Steem SEA grow.


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