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6 days agoSteemit7 min read

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Friday, November 9, 2012
Message URL:

Crusade Prayer 84, To Enlighten the Souls of the Elites Who Rule the World:

“O dear Jesus, I beg you to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world. Show them the proof of your mercy. Help them to become open of heart and to show true humility, in honour of your great sacrifice by your death on the cross when you died for their sins. Help them to discern who their true maker is, who their Creator is, and fill them with the graces to see the truth. Please prevent their plans to hurt millions of people through vaccinations, shortage of foods, forced adoptions of innocent children and the splitting up of families, from taking place. Heal them. Cover them with your Light and take them into the bosom of your heart to save them from the snares of the Evil One. Amen.”

-- Your Jesus

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Friday, August 27, 2021
,M,e,s,s,a,g,e, ,U,R,L,:,

This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 238: Fall of Jerusalem — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, June 11, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here in peach with a white veil. Her Immaculate Heart exposed. She is floating on a cloud. “My angel, today I come with many graces, ready to call souls out of the world and into My Immaculate Heart – Refuge of Sinners. There is no safe refuge in the world. The world concedes all that is life giving to that which destroys life. So today, I want to give souls the grace of looking beneath the surface which is worldly, to that which gives eternal life. Those souls who embrace Holy Love have received this grace. Holy Love is the foundation of salvation.” She drifts back up to heaven, and a great light comes from Her Heart as She leaves.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, June 11, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here in white lace and pink brocade. “I want you to pray with Me for those who have traveled great distances and are still on their way.” We prayed. “Please understand, My children, Holy Love Ministries is moving souls into the New Jerusalem. Therefore, you must prepare your hearts with much prayer.” She blessed us and left.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, June 11, 1994
Message URL:

June 11, 1994 Saturday Rosary Service – Prayer for Missionary Servants of Holy Love Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here in a pink gown and a white mantle. She has Her Heart exposed, and there are many rays of light coming from Her Heart. At the end of each one of these rays are little hearts. She says: “These are the hearts that I am calling into the ministry in a special way, and I am praying for them. Please join Me now and pray for this intention.” We prayed. “Dear children, I do not come in your midst to spread fear concerning the future but to spread Holy Love in the present moment. Please understand, My children, there is no salvation outside of Holy Love. Holy Love is the conformity to God's Divine Will.” She blessed us and left.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Sunday, June 12, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here all in white and has two angels with Her. She says: “I invite you to pray with Me now for those who are coming [on 6/13/94] in need of conversion.” We prayed. She says: “Thank you. Dear children, your prayers and sacrifices are opportunities of grace for the hundreds who will come. Holy Love is the final call to conversion and surrender to the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart. Therefore, My little children, you must pray, pray, pray.” Our Lady blessed us and faded away.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Monday, June 13, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here in a gray gown and a pink mantle. She says: “All praise be to Jesus. You see, when all is said and done, Satan has arranged for you to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. All of these trials are temporary, and your prayers disarm the enemy. (Regarding Our Lady's above statement, the City of Seven Hills issued a court order against our praying at Maranatha Spring or any gathering on the property. A gracious priest across the street let us pray in church as a severe thunderstorm began.) Our Lady then said, “Please pray with Me now for the universal Roman Catholic Church.” We prayed. “Thank You. Dear children, tonight I come to warn you. The world is propelled towards the war of the century which will affect every nation and even nature itself. But the way out of this is Holy Love. Dear children, Holy Love is the final call to conversion and peace in all hearts. Pray, pray, pray. I impart to you My Special Blessing.” Our Lady then faded away.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Monday, June 13, 1994
Message URL:

Jesus Christ

Jesus was suddenly standing at the foot of My bed with His hand raised in a blessing. He said: “Peace be with you! Today the ministry will have its re-birth as many, many hearts open to the message of Holy Love. By My Own Hand have I formed this – just as I have formed every heart. I will bring good out of every effort today. Rejoice! As I am preparing, through the heart of My Mother, great grace and many favors for those who come. Alleluia!”

Visionary: The Catechism in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Sunday, August 27, 2023
,M,e,s,s,a,g,e, ,U,R,L,:,

This is a video series/podcast which covers the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in one year.

Today's video is:

Day 238: Our Moral Conscience — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Luz de Maria, Latin America
Received on: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Message URL:


"Beloved daughter, Humanity is confused and more so spiritually, it cannot find the way because it is being presented with various options that lead it further astray. Tell my children to call Me when they are thirsty, to seek Me when faced with confusion, to take refuge in My Heart when they are afraid. I intercede for all, there is no creature that asks for My Intercession and is not heard by Me. Love is the source and solution to all of man's obstacles." THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY, 07.30.2017

Our Mother tells Me: "Look, My beloved, how easily My children go away with evil, they find themselves living in confusion and they look at evil as good. How My Heart hurts because of this! This is how Humanity finds itself...".

Confusion is growing in some of the children of the People of God; therefore our Mother always calls us to review the Sacred Scripture, she calls us to deepen our knowledge of it, and to constantly ask for the assistance of the Holy Spirit to give us discernment in our lives. The Christian has to grow in his spirit, to belong more to Heaven, living on Earth, applying the teachings of Christ in all his works and actions. To discern, our knowledge and disposition are required, given that the Christian of this moment cannot live half ways, but has to commit himself in spirit and...


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