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Peter Todd Really?


2 months agoSteemit2 min read


So the other day we talked about how HBO was going to release a new documentary that they were finally going to release the person who created Bitcoin the infamous satoshi Nakamoto.

Their result.... Peter Todd. Someone that currently still works on the bitcoin blockchain today as a developer but has also come out many times clearly stating that he is not Satoshi.

I mean did we really expect anything else out of a sleazy company like HBO that charges a subscription plan on some of the worst shows and movies. They have to make their money some how right?

Also at least from what I hear I haven't watched it myself is that Peter is also one of the few last people to have talked to Satoshi before he up and disappeared in 2011. But none of it lines up to things that were said or where we are at today legit none of it.

The evidence presented in the document doesn't even lead you to believe or make sense that Peter is the creator of Bitcoin.

Who is he?

Peter Todd is a Canadian professor and to this day is still a major bitcoin core developer involved with it since 2010.

What are your thoughts? Is Peter Todd really Satoshi Nakamoto?


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