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4 months ago4 min read








Let's continue with yesterday's story. Browder made a name for himself in Russia by buying privatization vouchers cheaply from ordinary people, and gained attention at Salomon Brothers, where executives and wealthy individuals wanted to borrow his experience doing business in Russia. Getting more out of the land, which had just been liberated from the rigid regime of the planned economy, gave him a greater task to investigate the Russian market, to discover treasures that had not yet been recognized by the capital market. But Browder found that in the arrangement of the game, although he had to bear a lot of responsibility, but in the part of the profit distribution, he was the least important one. Most of the profits went to other people. He decided to quit his job with Salomon Brothers and start his own investment fund.

His reputation, of course, is limited to his former firm, where even some wealthy, single-minded individuals appreciate his investments but are reluctant to take risks. To be the first to eat the crab, he must raise $25 million before others will follow. After many unsuccessful negotiations, a wealthy man with Middle Eastern background was finally willing to put up the money. Brad's business is finally ready to take off.

At the moment, however, Russia's political situation is clouding the prospects for business. This was the year of Russia's first presidential election since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Russian economy and people's livelihood undergoing shock therapy have not been turned upside down as expected, and the huge inflation has wiped out the savings of many ordinary people overnight and plunged them into hardship. Although many domestic scholars believe that this shows the failure of "shock therapy", it is only a total outbreak and total release of various social problems accumulated under the former Soviet Union's decades of state-owned planned economic system, and is not entirely the fault of "shock therapy". Of course this is a digression, ordinary people don't think in this way, they think all this is Yeltsin's fault. Before the election, Yeltsin's approval rating was a dismal 10 percent, while Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov was far ahead. That gave Browder pause. Once Zyuganov comes to power, as seems likely six months before the election, it is hard to say whether the party will stop privatizing. To find out, Browder decided to go to the World Economic Forum in Davos himself, and even camped out on the floor because he couldn't get a hotel room. During the forum, he attended a number of meetings and wine receptions related to Russia.

Eventually, the host of a reception invited Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Russian Communist Party. Zyuganov made it clear at the reception that even if he is elected, he will not return to the old ways of the Soviet Union. He wants Western investors to continue to invest in Russia, and he will not stop privatisation. Hearing these words, Browder's heart is a stone can be dropped. He broke the news to his partner, who was obviously more experienced than he was, and warned him not to take any politician's word for it. If he believes what the politicians say, he looks too unqualified.

At another party, Browder met a young Russian who was a well-known businessman in Moscow. Hearing that Browder had a $20 million fund to invest in Russia, the businessman immediately talked to him and promised some terms of cooperation. Browder told him about his concerns about whether businesses would be renationalized and whether investments would be riskier if the Communists returned to power. The Moscow merchant told him he could rest assured. He pointed to three men in the corner of the party: Chubais, Nemtsov and Berezovsky. The three were prominent Russian oligarchs, and Browder was told not to worry that they would take care of everything. They will use all the resources at their disposal, the media, society and business to find ways to boost Yeltsin's popularity. Zyuganov has absolutely no chance.

Indeed, as the businessman said, Yeltsin's popularity soared. On the eve of the election, Yeltsin and Zyuganov were neck-and-neck, and the election went to a second round. Zyuganov, who was lagging behind in the media, eventually lost in the second round of the election, and Yeltsin continued as president of the Russian Federation. Browder's gold rush in Russia was finally safe to begin.



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