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Last Monday, the last day of the Dragon Boat holiday, and the parents of the little baby's classmates made an appointment together. Take two little babies to visit the provincial science and Technology museum, the same day also posted. Today I will tell you more about the visit. In fact, Wuhan already has a science and technology museum, on the edge of Jianghan Pass, is the former Wuhan Passenger Port transformation of the place, located in the city center traffic is quite convenient ah. This provincial science and technology museum is located in the Optics Valley New District, which takes about an hour to drive. And when we went to Xiangyang, there was also a very modern science and technology museum in Xiangyang, which felt a bit repetitive. Of course, we say that a market economy is open to competition. However, the science and Technology Museum, as a public sector, is not market-based operation, and these venues have no intention of making an exception to the reservation system for free visits. Nor do they determine the success of their operations based on profit assessments. So these museums are not in competition with each other, nor are they under any pressure to please the audience. Take Wuhan Science and Technology Museum for example, the exhibits inside are not not rich, nor can be said to be not novel. Compared with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Museum I have visited, it can be said that it is completely crushed. However, after so many years, it seems that the exhibits inside have not been updated since the opening of the museum.

The provincial science and technology museum is a new museum opened in recent years, and the facilities inside have been updated, divided into upper, middle and lower three floors, and the three floors are the exhibits in the main exhibition area or partial science popularization. In general, the feeling is not rich, there is nothing to make people bright, mostly simple experimental demonstration of basic scientific knowledge, can let children have a perceptual understanding of these common sense, but can raise their interest, it is difficult to say. With the exception of a projector that demonstrates the relativistic effects of warping time and space, there are few devices that can catch a child's eye, and many that can only be seen if they have some understanding of basic physics. If an adult is there to explain, it may be better, but this time it is with a friend. Babies are not interested in listening to you grown-ups spout a bunch of science they don't quite understand yet.

For example, one of the devices is used to show the interference of light, open the button, you can see two contrasting light spots on the white background board, one is when the laser passes through a single slit, you can see that it is a continuous red ribbon spot. The other is the light and dark spots formed after the laser passes through the double slit. This contrast pattern may seem simple, but if you go deeper, through the interference of light can deduce almost all the basic knowledge of the esoteric quantum mechanics, in fact, it is a seemingly ordinary, extremely thoughtful experiment. You just have to think that light is actually emitted by photons one by one. These spots are actually a lot of tiny photons packed together, and you can't believe it. How does it know when a single photon has passed through the slit? Is there another slit next to it?

Of course, just when I wanted to talk more about the baby, she had run away. But this device still affects my interest. To be honest, this is also the first time I have seen this experimental phenomenon with my own eyes. In the past, when I was in school, the teacher did not seem to have done the demonstration of this experiment. So spell a lot of search, really lamented the current online shopping ah! Similar effects are almost the same experimental equipment in pinduoduo, as long as 15 dollars a piece. Okay, you can do this at home with baby when he's a little older.

Looking at the exhibits in these pavilions alone, there doesn't seem to be anything special about them. However, since it is the new museum, it must also have its embodiment. The novelty of this provincial science museum lies in its cinema section. Its cinema section has two parts: high-definition giant screen and immersive viewing, which is the black hole model at the center of the hall with a dish resembling the shape of the Visualize radio telescope on top. And this is actually a movie screen, and the way it's viewed is very special. Around this dish-shaped screen is a walkway with a railing on which viewers stand and lean to watch the film. The effect is very similar to the ball-screen immersive movies popular in various amusement venues. The movie that aired that day was "Project Star Shield," about eight minutes. The short film has a storyline about a magnetar, a rapidly rotating neutron star with a very powerful magnetic field, that has broken into the solar system, and its magnetic field will cause serious damage to Earth. So mankind worked together to transform the asteroid into a superconducting protective net arranged around the Earth, avoiding the crisis. In fact, strictly speaking, the setting of this story is rather ridiculous, magnetars are usually neutron stars, and neutron stars are the dead remnants of stars larger than the Sun. If such a planet really breaks into the solar system, then the real danger he brings is not so simple as a magnetic storm, a gravitational field more powerful than the sun will completely disrupt the orbit of the eight planets in the solar system, and the Earth will be pushed to the cold frontier farther away from the sun, or be pushed into the Sun's sea of fire and destruction. And the film's three special effects are relatively average. Not 50 cents, but a dollar at most. But the effect of the giant screen theater is fantastic. The film shows plants that catch insects. 3d glasses are required. The effect is similar to Avatar. Too short, of course.


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