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2 months ago4 min read






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Those of you who have read some of my previous posts know that I like to discuss some views of Taoism. The most famous figures in the Taoist family were the ancestral master Lao Tzu and later Zhuangzi. In fact, there was another famous Taoist figure who lived in a time that should have been before Zhuangzi. The scholar's name was Yang Zhu. It is just that some of his views are too far beyond the understanding of the world and ordinary people. It is also more incompatible with the needs of the rulers, so only a few fragments of words remain. But at that time, it was the middle of the Warring States period. Yang Zhu is very influential. Mozi, the master of another major doctrine at that time, said: "The words of the world. If it doesn't come from Yang, it comes from Mo." It means that in the field of public opinion at that time, the person who has the most right to speak is Yang Zhu in addition to Mozi. Confucians at that time were still like Confucius when he traveled around the world, selling their doctrines of benevolence and justice, but they were also the most unpopular. In fact, the reason is very simple, the monarch believes that benevolence and justice can not help him win the world; And the people at the bottom. On the other hand, benevolence and justice are too hypocritical.

Although there are not many comments left by Yang Zhu, one of them is so famous that it has even become an idiom. That is, Yang Zhu once said, "Pull a hair and benefit the world, not for it." It basically means that pulling out a hair on my body can save the world and the people. Although it is easy for me, I will not do it. At first glance, it seems selfish and unreasonable. It's totally self-serving. But it's like a lot of famous people say. This quote is largely taken out of context, without context and without exploring its original meaning. As Thomas Edison famously said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." But actually this sentence. Only half said. Next sentence. Edison probably meant the role of the 1% of inspiration. But it is decisive. And Yang Zhu's sentence is also in context, beginning with "pull a hair and the world and benefit the world, I do not also." But "I will not serve one person at the expense of the world." Obviously the point of this sentence is in the second half of the sentence, the first half of the sentence is only to introduce the topic, not the focus of the discussion. And this is actually true of all generations of rulers. Rulers often fall under the name of some great cause. To ask the governed or his own people to make a small sacrifice is in fact to satisfy his own selfish desires. This desire is sometimes for territorial expansion, and sometimes for vanity and merit. It was the latter that Yang Zhu really objected to.

The thoughts of Yang Zhu. Can be summed up in two simple words, that is, "your own", everyone's life is only once, and life is limited, everyone can not escape death. So let's start with that premise. Follow your own feelings and satisfy your own. Interests meet their real needs. That's all that matters. By extension, death is inevitable, and although things change, there is nothing new under the sun, and what happened in ancient times still happens now, so you have lived well enough to experience what you should experience and there is no need to regret it, and how do you do this? Is to start from their own nature. And this kind of natural demand is more spiritual, so excessive material needs and people's livelihood fame and wealth are actually. What is not human is external and not worth pursuing.

In addition to this, it also embodies a very strong concept of property rights that is adapted to modern capitalist society. This hair is grown on my body, it is naturally part of my body, and I have full ownership of it. Whether to pull or not should be decided by my will can not be said. Because this thing is good for everyone, I have to do it. If this logic holds, then you can pull a hair out of me today, and you can pull out another hair tomorrow. Maybe one day it's okay to take my life for the good of the world. So if this loophole is opened, then my private property rights will no longer exist. The prosperity of human society has lost its foundation.


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