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last year4 min read

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The post the day before yesterday tried to talk about the puzzling and brain-burning hypothesis that the origin of the universe is mathematics. But it still doesn't feel clear. First of all, why the laws of mathematics are eternal, even more powerful than the laws of physics. As we know the laws of physics, they will completely fail at the beginning of the big bang and the central singularity of the black hole, but no one seems to think that mathematics will Invalid, just like the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees, parallel lines never intersect, and 1 plus 1 is always equal to 2. But we ourselves and the world around us are constantly changing. We grow from babies to adults, from adults to old people, and finally die, and the body breaks down into basic atoms and ceases to exist. Even for such a magnificent object as the stars in the universe, it only has a longer lifespan, and it also has its own evolution and life cycle. However, mathematical structures do not. For example, a regular dodecahedron, no matter how long you give it, it will not grow one more face to become a tridecahedron.

This question needs to be considered from another angle, and Einstein provided us with a preliminary answer. As mentioned in the previous post, the reality we perceive is actually a model built by our human beings in our brains. It is related to reality, but it is not reality itself, and the way our brains build models is Newton’s world view , space is three-dimensional, time exists independently of space, and eternity passes. But Einstein's theory of relativity tells us that this is not the case. Time and space are intertwined as a whole, called space-time, which is four-dimensional. We can't imagine four-dimensional things, so we subtract one dimension from space to become a two-dimensional plane, and then imagine time as the third dimension perpendicular to this plane. Then we imagine a scene where the moon revolves around the earth. Of course, the two-dimensional planet naturally changes from a spherical shape to a circle. The earth does not move in the center, but it will continue to move upwards over time, forming a cylinder. , and the moon moves in a circle around the earth, and at the same time, moves in the vertical direction as time goes by, then the moon will form a spiral shape like a spring, then in the four-dimensional space-time, the cylinder and spiral shape are Shapes of the Earth and the Moon. And this shape can be thought of as eternal, like a mathematical structure. Similarly, the life we ​​experience ourselves can also be understood as a shape in four-dimensional space-time. Of course, this shape is much more complicated than cylinders and spirals. This is one of the reasons why Einstein said, "The difference between the past, the present, and the future is only a human illusion."

In this way, everything is just sculptures of different shapes placed in the four-dimensional space-time. Suddenly, this understanding seems to be a kind of fatalism. The past exists forever, and the future has already been determined, and our consciousness is just this. A part of the sculpture can only be seen as a whole with the passage of time until the end of life. However, looking at the universe and the world itself from this point of view really makes people's heads explode. If this is the case, there is no need for us to pursue immortality, because we are immortal, but only in the four-dimensional space-time eternal life. Those things that have passed away have not actually passed away, and those things that have not yet happened in the future have actually happened long ago. This is really a very weird universe.


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