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Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 4 | Propose A New Steemit Project


2 years agoSteemit4 min read

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Since my return to the Steemit platform I have been actively involved in the platform by;

  • Writing articles
  • Reading and supporting of fellow Steemians posts
  • Curating and advising

I must have read way over 1,000 articles during the last 4 months. I have seen and read some good quality article and I’ve often wondered how many of these articles are actually being read.

Of particular interest to me are those articles who can help other Steemians.

@disconnectAlerts to drastic changes in the blockchain marketsArticle link
@fredquantumAlerts on award changesArticle link
@cryptogeckoTips & GuidelinesArticle link
@ubongudofotFeedback from curatorsArticle link

My suggestions therefor for a new project would be to add a “Notice board or Bulletin board” to Steemit where these kind of articles can be pinned for all to see.


What is a notice board?

Notice – It is information which needs the attention of many
Board - A place where the notices or information can be posted

What is a bulletin board?

Bulletin – It is a short report or information of what is happening
Board - A place where the notices or information can be posted

Whatever you want to call it a notice board, a bulletin board, a pin board it doesn’t matter.
Of importance is that they are there to post public messages and is what I am looking for and I am not referring to a notice board for a specific community but a notice board in general where it is visible to everybody.


The history behind notice or bulletin boards

The YearThe Story
1801 –The first black board was used
1801 –The first black board was used
1925 –The first cork board for pinned messages
1976 –In-corporate in the information age – first public dial up board
2010 –Pinterest was launched as a personal bulletin board
2022 –Steemit introduced a notice board?

Why a notice or bulletin board

  • With the ever changes in the IT world new ideas will emerged all the time. This is an effective way to display important messages
  • The scope of users can for sure be extended
  • Valuable information will not get lost in the system
  • Valuable information will be available immediately
  • The standard of communication will be improved
  • Recognition to great articles
  • The data can be used for analytics purposes

There are various factors which should be kept in mind when the notice board is designed;

  1. It must be visually appealing
  2. It must be well organized
  3. It must be accessible and
  4. It must be easy to engage with

I am not a developer and I also don’t know the infrastructure of Steemit therefor it is best for me to leave the possibilities for implementation to them.

This is then also how it works in our business. My husband is a developer and I am an operator. I tell him what I want and it is up to him to make it work. So developers, this one is for you. :-)


For my own curiosity I had a look at what is currently available just to get the look and feel;

From: Novisign

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From: Padlet

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From: Unifyed

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In conclusion:

I do believe that there is reason to brainstorm this idea further. By adding a notice board or bulletin board Steemian can only benefit from it as long as notices will be immediately available, in the correct categories and includes an archive for historical posts.

The only real challenges for me are the implementation and the management thereof.

I hope that I have planted a seed or two...

20% to pak-charity


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