Sound muted when starting to capture the video of a Splinterlands battle
5 hours agoSound muted when starting to capture the video of a Splinterlands battle
2024. DEC. 17 (TUE) | Written by @jini-zzang
Today's Comment
I tried to capture the video of a Splinterlands battle, but sound was muted as soon as I click record button. I retried several times again repeatedly, but it was not working. I checked the PC version of the same game, and I found that sound was muted from its settings. I unmuted it from my mobile phone, but it was not applied. The problem was solved by swithing off 'Mute all sounds'. It was fortunate that I found the solution within 30 minutes.
In the recent battle, it was effective to use two monsters with sneak ability. It is sometimes useful if the mana cap is smaller than 25.
Layout provided by Steemit Enhancer hommage by ayogom
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