Contest Alert : Is Police our friend?

zulbahri -

Hello everyone,
Hopefully we are always in good health. This time I want to take part in a contest held by @okere-blessing about
Contest Alert: Are the Police our friends?
Here are my results.

✅ Are the police your friends? if yes, support your answer, if no, explain

in an ideal context, the police are indeed expected to be friends of the community because their main task is to protect, serve and serve the community if the police carry out their duties fairly, professionally and without abuse of power to the community will be safe and trust them

✅ what are the authorities of the police in carrying out their duties?

the authorities of the police are regulated by law such as arresting, detaining, and processing perpetrators of criminal acts. patrols, supervision and community development to prevent criminal acts. maintaining smoothness and safety on the highway. guarding demonstrations, maintaining security at events and handling riots. collecting evidence, examining witnesses, and building cases for the courts

✅ mention the qualities of a good police

a good police must have qualities including being honest and not involved in corruption. professionalism by mastering tasks and carrying out procedures able to understand the needs of the community with a humanistic attitude protecting the community even in dangerous situations impartial and treating everyone equally in public able to maintain good relations with the community

✅ Have you ever experienced injustice from the police?

I have no personal experience but many reports from the public about injustice committed by police officers such as abuse of power illegal levies or discrimination this is a challenge to improve the image of the police

✅ Do you agree that corrupt police should be fired? or other punishments should be given

I agree that police who are proven corrupt should be fired to maintain the integrity of the institution besides that additional punishments such as criminal law enforcement according to the action must be given because corruption is a series of abuses that are detrimental to society and the state the combination of dismissal and criminal penalties provides a deterrent effect and builds public trust

That's my story this time, thank you for reading. I want to invite my friends
@teukuipul87 @yuswadinisam @ikwal
to take part in this contest.