Technical Analysis Update, Pepe Coin Today 03-09-2024

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Hello Everybody Welcome to my blog. Today we are going to talk about the Pepe Coin

Hi, friends now I have seen a small intention from Pepe previously but then again that intention faded away very very quickly I wanted to take a trade in the middle because of a few hot zones that I saw, and I'm going to tell you what this is so you can see that we do have a bit of a Hot Zone I would say it's almost like an area because we've had many interactions here we've had a touch move up another touch and then you're moving back up once again

I'm wondering if this is still another opportunity to try kind of to go back up once again or not but then I think just not and this could be a trap

We're still struggling and previously I tried to take the trade because I saw that maybe it's breaking this little bit of a pattern if you notice it could break for a 7% move up but notice one more problem that you still have another trap here so this is still another resistance you got rejected you went down again you're getting rejected here

I hope you like my post


