Today I wanted to write for this contest that is running by @sahar78 , here is the link if you are also interested:
It is an interesting topic and I believe everyone suffered at least once from constipation. There are many different things and often people say that you need to drink plenty, that will help to keep your bowel motions softer than usual.
When I recall my grandmother’s words she always claimed that red beet roots in any form can help to avoid constipation. She usually liked to boil them and then to put it in chopper and then to mix with a little bit of garlic and a tiny bit of mayonnaise. This is a kind of light salad that you can add to any food, like potatoes or even to use instead with just some meat.
The only one should remember that red beet roots colour urine and stool in pink colour, which is something that they should be aware about.
There are some simple stuff to keep the gut healthy:
-again we start with water, drink plenty
probiotics, that is easy to buy in any shops, we need our “good” bacteria in our gut that helps its function and prevents diarrhoea
high fibre diet, that also prevents constipation
such food like sauerkraut and raw milk and sour dough is always very good for gut
some food like cheese and yoghurt is something that we often have in our food, like for breakfast and just as little snack in the evening.
Many children love those products and it is important to make them understand that this is important to have such food to keep our gut healthy.
Our bowel is important for absorption of important vitamins like folate, Vit A, B and K so that our body can build up necessary proteins. Also in healthy gut we have good uptake of Iron that also we need for our Red cells and Hemoglobin.
It is simple but we often do not pay attention, till the moment of problem. That is why it is important to think about our health now when we are healthy.
I hope you also learnt something interesting today and I would like to invite @dave-hanny, @meriseptriyanti @djvijay for the contest.