The Benefits of Learning a New Language and How to Get Started

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I used to think learning another language would be great because I thought it would make me a smarter person. Unfortunately, it didn't quite happen that way and here's why.

So, let's start off with what I like about learning a new language:

First, you will improve your brain power. When you learn a new language, you will improve your brain function and cognitive ability. Learning a new language will allow you to see the world in a different way and therefore think outside the box. It also helps you understand different cultures and therefore become more tolerant of people that come from all different backgrounds.

It’s important to stress that learning another language isn't going to turn you into a brainiac overnight. In fact, it won't even give you any kind of noticeable edge. However, once you learn a language, you will find yourself using it almost subconsciously and that ability to use language fluently will only improve with time.

However, I don't love learning a new language because of how it will improve my career. After I moved to San Francisco, I had a lot of trouble getting hired by companies that required speaking English. This wasn't because I was a bad employee or a bad worker, it was because I couldn't speak English.

To help you see why this is an issue, consider this: I work in software development. The reason why I've been able to develop software products over the past seven years is because I've been able to communicate with customers, employees, and business partners across multiple languages.

Unfortunately, it's unlikely that I'll be able to learn French, Spanish, or any other language without a major investment of time and money, so my ability to do business in France or Mexico is completely dependent on my ability to communicate in English.

However, while this might be a problem, it's certainly not a dealbreaker. For most jobs, if you need to communicate with your team or customers, the fact that you can't speak the language will only be an inconvenience that can be dealt with.

So, why did I go through so much trouble learning French? Because I wanted to be able to speak with my customers and business partners. As a business owner and entrepreneur, this is an essential skill that can't be ignored.

This is a common story among small businesses today and I see it happening every day. I talk to people that want to work with me who cannot speak English. Some of them have had years of experience as a developer or a business owner and still can't communicate with English speakers. They struggle because they lack a critical skill needed in today's global marketplace.

This shouldn't discourage you from learning a new language if that is your goal. It will take time and you will likely need to put in some serious effort, but if this is a priority for you, there are some strategies you can employ to ensure that you get the most out of your time.

The first thing you should do is look for free resources.