A Great Comment Deserves - more than - An Emoji!

wakeupkitty -

One of the first articles I read

this morning was this one. A reply of @rokhani on a comment of mine. I thought: I can do this too since at times I write comments long enough to be an article. Comments curators should upvote but they rarely do since it's hard to find them just like all those writers who exist but I have a hard time finding them.

Yesterday I spent nearly the entire day searching for a good read, something that makes me laugh which is far from easy. It's as if humour no longer exists but if you need a good laugh, black humour (indeed the ironic one) does you good, then follow me because from now on I'm going to hunt for good reads and those that make me laugh. At the end of the day it was @dove11 with his refusal to leave the planet Earth and this morning it was rokhani who made clear that 8 glasses of water are not equal to 8 litres of water. I wonder if there are people who truly believe this is the case.

It's not easy to drink enough water, whatever enough may be. During my childhood, I drank way less than today just like most people and no one was dehydrated. Back then we drank a small cup of tea in the morning at breakfast, one drink around 10 a.m., and nothing during dinner at noon (we had dinner at noon, not in the evening). After school, it was teatime another cup, not one of those big mugs we all have today (contains about 300 millilitres) and during the evening meal we rarely drank and if not in bed already there was 'coffee time' for the adults and perhaps children drank something. The average bedtime for children was between 6-7 p.m. So as a child, I drank at least for 12 hours or longer nothing. During the day it wasn't even 1 litre!

So when exactly did the promotion of 'at least 2 litres a day' start?
I wonder if it has to do with the import of more and more fast food and all those fixed products sold by the shops. These products are bombs of salt! Too much salt is unhealthy, just like all those chemicals in food. The only way to get rid of it is to flush (pee) it out!

NOTE: If you always feel thirsty know this can be a symptom of diabetes but also be caused by drinking coffee and lemonade (many feel thirsty after drinking tea too).

I know salt makes me sick don't hardly use it. About 5 years ago a doctor told me I looked dehydrated, would feel better after infusions (this was not the case but it did hurt my intestines) and I should eat a few tablespoons of salt daily. 🤯 well, I tried it for two days but that didn't work out well.

If it comes to toilet visits at night it's important to know how fast your kidneys flush out what you drink. My two children hardly drink and the youngest knows she needs to visit the bathroom within 30 minutes which means no way she can have a drink before travelling to school for 2 hours.

NOTE: Kidneys are no sieves. They have to work to get rid of all fluids (drinks, fruits, vegetables...all that lives contains an average of 70% of water). Over-excessive drinking is bad for the kidneys. Did you know you can kill a person by letting him/her drink too much water? Not funny so do not drink 8 litres especially not at once since humans aren't camels.

I thought: If we all leave our comments with the hashtag #freewrite and #comment the work of the curators will be sooo much easier. 😉

@rokhani deserves an emoji for his reply

source pick the emoji of your choice!

If you believe I deserve an emoji too, you can leave it in the comment section underneath.
Let me know if the curators stopped by, please.

Greetings & happy writing

@pousinha @el-nailul @sbamsoneu @fadthalib @yaladeeds @ibesso @aminasafdar

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Picture: AI-generated by me - bing.com/create
Saturday prompt: deserves an emoji 
I'm a mobile writer only 

#steemexclusive #freewrite #steemit #club5050 #kittywu