TipTag —— Make every Tag on twitter, a TagCoin. Social Layer based on Steem Blockchain.

tip-tag -

What can a tweet do?

👾 Create a Tag Space & Deploy $TagCoin;

👾 Mint $TagCoin with #Tag #TipTag

👾 Recommend $TagCoin, and earn transaction fees;

01 Create a Tag Space & Deploy $TagCoin

Create a Tag Space(on-chain) and deploy a TagCoin by tweeting as follows:

#TagName $TagCoin Description @Tip_Tag

Tag Space is built on Steem Hive-mind.

02 Mint $TagCoin on twitter

Tweet with #TagName #TipTag and mint $TagCoin based on social interactions.

If this $TagCoin has been deployed.

03 Recommend $TagCoin by EVM Blink

Tweet with EVM Blink.

If a transaction is made through EVM Blink, the poster will receives 1% of the transaction amount as transaction fee.

You can also buy $TagCoin like http://pump.fun.

The more $TagCoin you have, the more credit you get.

And if you like/repost a community post, the more $TagCoin the creator of the post gets.

If you create a TagCoin on tiptag.social and post on Steem to share it (add the #tiptag ). Your post will be upvoted by @wherein.

