Binance tutotial No. 1 about Sign-up and account , 10% beneficiary to tron-fan-club

tayyab100 -


Hey guys!

Hope you all are doing well. Alhumdulillah I am back with another binance tutorial after a long time. It is a much needed topic now a days because we all know that crypto is becoming popular day by day. We should be aware about this. So lets start the discussion about the topic without wasting any time.

Today I will discuss about the signing up and account creation in binance which is very easy and we will have a series of such tutorials in which I will discuss about the trading also.

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Download the binance app from the following link
The app logo looks like the following picture.


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Now sign up by putting the gmail or the phone number. You must enter the exact country code in which you are living, if you have choosed to put phone number and create a strong password using upper case letters. Keep in mind if you guys put a referal ID of anyone, you will be gifted trading rewards of that person whose Referal ID is being used up by you. I am giving my referal ID. Put it while signing up.
Referal ID: 316168027

A robotic captcha will be asked, you just need to scroll to fit it in the exact place.

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Now a verification email or a code will be sent tp you. All you need to know is just to put that code in the blank to verify the account.

Congrats, your account has been created. Now verify your account while providing all the necessary info. about yourself like identity card number, your current location, your place of living, pictures of ID card front and back. This information must be private. That's why, I am not providing here. So click on verify now

After this, your account will be standard. Your account will be look like this.

Make sure your account is binance pro. A verified logo will be appeared if you provide all the correct information.

This was all about today. Next we will discuss about this app.

Note: All unsourced images are screenshots of the author from binance app.

I am Tayyab Maqsood. My nickname is Taibi. I am a medical student preparing for Mbbs to be a good doctor. I like to capture nature and love to play games in my leisure time.