Wednesday – What is the correct sentence? – Mini contest #3

sur-riti -

Hello all steemian friends

This is my participation in

Wednesday – What is the correct sentence? – Mini contest #3 By @patjewell in Steem Kids & Parents

Full of arrogance and pride, Robert had called all his staff for a meeting after lunch. Almost all the staff members were troubled by Robert's strict and arrogant mood. Robert's company sells of T shirts. A team of about 20 representatives go to the door to door and sell this product.

[Contest picture]

For a long time, the expected results were not coming and Robert, fuming with anger, was in the mood to scold all the staff of his company today.

One of these employees, Dillan, was a little foolish but when Robert checked the sales record, he saw that Dillan's sales were the highest.

Robert thought that today in the meeting he will make Dillan say that his achievements are being celebrated so well.

The meeting started at exactly 1:00 PM. Targets and achievements were discussed one by one. In between, Robert was getting angry on the low achievements of his employees.

Now when it was Dillon's turn, he stood up in a normal mood and started counting his achievements. Robert asked him how did you do all this?

Dillon said that for this, I will have to tell a joke. Robert also thought that what is the harm in listening to jokes to lighten everyone's mood.

On this Dillon started saying "An arrogant king used to get angry on his people just like our boss Robert, then his advisor told the king that most of the common people are fools and it is not good to get too angry on them, the king asked his advisor can you prove it. The advisor said yes I can do it.

The advisor made an announcement in the city the next day that today the king will tell a joke to the public and the one who does not laugh will be given 100 gold coins by the king.

The next day many people reached the king's court, then the advisor again announced that there is a condition in this, the one who laughs after hearing the joke will be hit twice on the back.

On hearing this many people who had come there ran away, and only about 25-30 people remained, then the advisor stood up and gave a slip to the king and said read out this joke.

The king told the joke loudly, everyone present there laughed loudly, only one man remained absolutely silent and He was silent. As per the condition, everyone was whipped twice and sent away and the one who remained silent was given 100 gold coins.

Both the king and the advisor were surprised, but the next day the news came that the quiet person died laughing loudly after 4-5 hours of going home, actually he understood the joke very late.

This way the advisor proved that

"The greatest lesson of life is to know that sometimes even fools are right." (14 words)

On hearing the joke, everyone started laughing and the atmosphere of the meeting became light, this meant that it is not right to be too strict with your staff, the results will be good if you keep trying.

Robert finally asked, "But how do you achieve your targets?" Dhillon said smilingly, "I tell them, " If you don't enjoy wearing it then use it for mopping the house or washing the car."

I also want to invite here @mehwish-almas @haidee @reseleena
Thanks for reading my post .

With regards