Short Hair Teenage Girl

sultan-aceh -

Short Hair Teenage Girl

Today, you Steem users, I will entertain you again with a pencil drawing of a Teenage Girl with Short Hair, a pencil art drawing that I made, the face of a teenage girl, with characteristic short, neatly flowing hair.

I made this pencil art drawing in stages, so that I could complete the drawing, with an initial basic sketch of the face, followed by shading the hair in a regular and loose manner, with the addition of the eyes, nose and mouth.

In the third stage, then I added eyebrows and added and corrected parts of the face and shape of the face with soft tissue, such as forming the cheeks, I worked on the mouth with tissue only.

This picture that I made is just my imagination, it doesn't look like anyone, so, if you like it, you can download it happily.

Below, all Steem users, can see the drawing stages that I did, until I finished the pencil drawing of a Teenage Girl with Short Hair.

that's what I can share, hopefully it's useful and you enjoy seeing it.




Image search @stef1

KLIK DISINI : Pencil drawing, New Competition (No.40) You can win Steem. Congratulations to the winners from competition 39