@sportfit.shop | 40 Lbs latex bands - And you, what are you waiting for to train? / 15% of Rewards go to @businessactivity

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The pink bands, in their different shades, are highly sought after for their striking, allowing their different colors to bring joy to those who wear them.

Remember that colors are important, they can determine the mood and make whoever exercises have a positive or negative change, it all depends on the person's taste and how each color inspires and makes you feel.

The better a person feels to train, then their performance will unprecedented.

Do you want pink bands and related hues?

These bands are for you, who passionately train for a constant improvement in your physique, your body asks you to train and your health manifests it daily.

We count on what will make you train confidently, knowing that the short or long term results are true.

It has clearly been shown that they are not a scam and that if they do what is said, each body in training has been able to show that the results are true, that for each body it has been beneficial.

The bands, due to their different resistances, contribute to all training, to:

The benefits have been demonstrated by each trainer and by those who appreciate training routines, verifying that resistance bands up to 40 Lbs do their job.

Training has never been more exciting

Attending the gym, personalized classes, workouts at home, outdoors, has never been as exciting as until now, the great versatility of latex bands are of benefit to those who want a change in their body, the physical for many makes them feel high self -esteem and who doesn't? I mean, how many don't want to look good? But more than that, it is to be in physical and mental health to really be well.

Coaches with their different groups can acquire pink bands and similar shades, to train because certainly, the important thing is that they contribute to training, and let's not forget that colors are beneficial for many, the state of mind is fundamental in any training.

Are these bands for you?

The opportunities are only to know how to take advantage of, many of those who today acquire in a short time always return for more related articles for training.

We have a variety and our clients verify that we are responsible in our sales and guaranteed attention, this implies speaking well of a training article that satisfies the demand for buying and selling.

Training has become more than a hobby, it is a lifestyle that is enjoyed and those who want to be in good health and well-being adopt a rhythm of life that satisfies the needs in the change of life for the better.

How to use latex bands?

On many occasions, information about the uses in training has been shared, this time, we will not talk about specific training, but about how the bands can be used to increase resistance.

As usual, we show the specifications of the bands, according to their characteristics.

For a client to know what is offered, it is necessary start his future training will be, knowing the Lbs of each batch and how to complement each other, for the benefit in the training routines.

Characteristics of latex bands

💪 Extra light =5 - 10 Lbs
💪 Light =10 - 15 Lbs
💪Medium =15 - 20 Lbs
💪Heavy =20 - 30 Lbs
💪Extra heavy =30 - 40 Lbs

Knowing the resistances it is possible to understand, that for the beginning of a training, it is necessary to warm up.

After this, it will be to know if you are capable of a large effort or on the contrary, start with the resistance bands 5 Levels, with the lowest intensity, this in the case of people who have just started, or also for those who have a planned routine that requires going from least to greatest, in resistance to being demanded.

Most of the workouts can be done, from least to greatest, and increasingly demanding, in this way it will be verified if it can be resisted, if the body is in the capacity or not.

Everything is progressive, like any other activity, this is no exception.

Use the bands:

The use of the bands individually, from smallest to largest, starting with the 5-10 Lbs band. One at a time, you can do:

The body will always demand more, this means that for a first week of training or in 15 days if it is what you need, you can increase and use the 5-10 Lbs band with the 10-15 Lbs latex band. You will notice the results immediately, in terms of strength and tension.

Each part of your body will demand more and the results will be given because you are doing the routines based on checking how much you are willing to increase.

To demand more:

In the supposed case and depending on the training or what you want to improve, for instance: for quadriceps. In the same way, use the bands as the description above, and you can implement one or two more bands.

You can also use the two strongest bands of:

Observing in you how strong they are and this will only be if you can with the resistance levels that these bands demand, otherwise decrease and use two low resistances until you have mastered them completely.

For band requests or any other article, communicate through our social networks, the available means are for attention from Monday to Monday.

Price of the bands

Our bands have a cost of:

15 $2.348 Sbd27.38 Steem

Price subject to change of the day, for Bs, Steem, Sbd and TRX.

If you want any other product that is not in the sample of our gallery on social networks or in our advertisements in the business community, you can contact privately and we will be happy to help you.

Our job is to satisfy customer demand, inside and outside our country.

Business name:@sportfit.shop
Owner's name:@Cindycam
Business address:Anzoátegui , Venezuela.
About us:Link to presentation

Thanks to the business community for supporting our business.
