Little Beasts

soulsdetour -

These are pictures of our fur babies. 😸

Nope, not as babies. But I actually missed 2 entire months of their early age and I don't have sufficient pictures of them as babies.
And returning home after a two-month absence, having left the breeding and upbringing of the cats of two men - my boyfriend and his brother, I found four untrained savage beasts at home. 😺
You can imagine...
It was like leaving your kids for summer vacation with their grandparents, and then when you go to get them back, you can't even recognize them.

Thank you for your time! Copyright:@soulsdetour
Soul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.