[Netflix] Blood C - Horror & Thriller Anime

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When it comes to the anime, Netflix tries to find the strong female lead always when they choose their shows. They are trying to reprogram the society into thinking that female roles are strong in the family. Japan has plenty of anime with this type of the thought process, so Blood C happens to fall into same category, Netflix picked them up eventually.

So let's review Blood C anime for those who are into monster hunting type of the animated content.

Source: Flixwatch

What "Blood C" is all about?

We have seen a lot of scenarios where there is something wrong with the place and monsters are the cause. And suddenly silent type hero comes in for the monster slaying. Saya is kind of falling into that type of the story. The both soft and hard side of the heroine comes in as well.

Story, Characters and Execution

Blood C is kind of like coming of age type of the monster hunter plot. Nothing nail biting or worth tracking for in binge watch. You would watch, get bored and maybe appreciate the animation and perhaps move on to another anime if you don't like it.

I like the animation, it was done good. Perhaps compared to many things that are out there I'd say they got the animation part properly done. I'd definitely choose Blood C for animation and the dark vibes that they have built around the monsters.

Is it worth watching?

I'd say it's worth it purely for the sake of the monsters the story around though it's not something binge worthy just more or less one watch shot type of the content.

I'd definitely recommend Blood C for those who like strong female lead type monster hunter type of the content.