Money versus happiness, Some valid thinking of these two components in our life

shahriar33 -

Money and happiness are two of the most sought-after and widely discussed topics in today's world. While some people believe that money is the key to happiness, others argue that happiness is not dependent on wealth. Both these two arguments are true as well as both money and happiness play important roles in our lives, and it's essential to understand the relationship between the two.

First of all, consider the positive impact of money on happiness. Money provides us with the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing. These necessities are critical to our survival and well-being, and without them, we can't focus on other aspects of our lives, such as our relationships and personal growth. In straight life becomes hard without money.

Money also provides us with the ability to pursue our passions, whether it's travelling, enjoying our favourite foods, learning a new skill, or pursuing a new career. When we have the financial means to pursue our passions, it can bring us great joy and fulfilment.

Moreover, money gives us the ability to live a life of comfort and convenience. With money, we can enjoy the finer things in life, such as good food, comfortable living quarters, and access to entertainment and recreation, etc. After all, these things contribute to our happiness and overall well-being.

Money also provides us with financial security and stability, which is critical to our peace of mind. When we have enough money, we can focus on our relationships, our personal growth, and our goals, rather than worrying about how we will make ends meet.

On the other hand, it's also important to consider the negative impact that money can have on our happiness. When we become too focused on acquiring wealth and material possessions, we can easily lose sight of what's truly important in life. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness, even when we have everything we need.

Money can also create stress and conflict, especially when it comes to relationships. When we become too focused on wealth and status, it can put a strain on our personal and professional relationships and detract from our happiness.

It's also important to note that money alone cannot guarantee happiness. According to the researchers' data, it has been found that beyond a certain point, more money does not lead to increased happiness. Studies have shown that people who are too focused on acquiring wealth and material possessions often end up feeling empty and unfulfilled.

This is because happiness is not just about having the things we want, but also about experiencing meaningful connections with others, having a sense of purpose, and feeling a sense of accomplishment.

While money can certainly enhance our lives and bring us happiness, it's not the only factor that determines our overall well-being. The key to finding happiness is to strike a balance between money and other aspects of our lives, such as our relationships, our personal growth, and our passions. When we focus on what truly matters to us, we are more likely to find happiness, regardless of our financial situation.

Happiness comes from within, and it's up to us to find it by cultivating meaningful connections with others, pursuing our passions, and leading a life that is fulfilling and meaningful but money is just like a ladder to reach the goals and destinations to reach happiness.

People can be happy without money as long as they sacrifice self-interests and desires (such as if a person wants to eat his favourite food from a restaurant but can't afford to eat it because he/she doesn't have money, then I don't think he/she will have happiness in his/her mind, there are tons of examples like this).

So, I can say these two components are interrelated but to what extent and how it impacts an individual's life is a subjective matter. It's essential to find the right balance between the two, as having too much of either one can lead to a lack of fulfilment.