Contest: Money or education by @shahid76

shahid76 -

Hello Steemit friends,
how are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Steem For Steem4Professionals brought by the honorable Moderator @bonaventure24. The name of the Contest is"Contest: Money or education by @username" Thank you Steem4Professionals for bringing this beautiful contest to us.

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The two most important elements in all of our lives are money and education. Neither is less important than the other. Neither can be excluded. Yet for the sake of this context, I have to choose one. Before selecting one, let's take a look at what I mean by money and education.




When I fail to put a single food in the mouths of my children, then I realize that my education is worthless. I have also seen that if you have money then you don't need education to get respect.
Today society has become corrupt. Education is not valued in the society. Rather, whoever has the money has all the power in his hands. He can collect even education certificates if he wants.
I have seen many educated people, who are defeated by money. Being uneducated, they bribe educated people just because they have money. Even after getting an education, they live like losers in their family and society. No matter how much we value education, money wins at the end of the day.
Even though I passed honors in management, I had to struggle for a job. I was educated and there was a time when I could not feed my children. I needed money so much that I could not manage it and even wanted to commit suicide. I then realized that education is nothing in reality. Money is the main thing. Earning money is the main thing.


I know that many people will disagree with my opinion. Then I will say that you have not seen reality. I myself am a living proof of how terrible reality can be. By observing the hard reality, I have chosen money to the exclusion of invaluable means like education.

I would like to invite three of my friends @deepak94 @mdkamran99 @memamun
Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my article. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.