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Different Types vegetables Flower


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Bottle gourd, also known as calabash, is a plant that produces edible fruit that is commonly used in Asian and African cuisine. The plant also produces attractive white flowers, which are sometimes used in cooking. Bottle gourd flowers are typically white or yellow in color and have a bell-shaped structure with five petals. They are usually around 2-3 inches in diameter and can bloom throughout the summer months. The flowers are also known for their distinctive fragrance, which is often described as sweet and musky.The crookneck pumpkin, also known as summer squash, is a type of squash that is commonly grown in North America. The plant produces large, bright yellow flowers that are often used in cooking or as an ornamental decoration. Crookneck pumpkin flowers are typically 2-3 inches in diameter and have a distinct trumpet-like shape with five petals. The petals are a bright yellow color, and the center of the flower contains a prominent stigma and multiple stamens. The flowers are often harvested in the morning when they are fully open and at their freshest.

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