A Simple Lunch For Two

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Rice porridge with a dish of stir fry cabbage with carrots, fry eggs with onion, and sardines. Usually, I will fry some onions and then add the sardines into the wok, to heat it up. But sometimes, when I am lazy (when am I not lazy), and sometimes when I am very hungry, I will just eat the sardines straight as they are, like in this case some days ago.

Here’s how I prepare the cabbage and carrots dish.

Cut the carrot into thin slices.

Cut the cabbage into small pieces and rinse them.

Prepare some garlic and some dried prawns. I like to cut the dried prawns into fine pieces.

Heat the wok and add some oil. And in goes the dried prawns, the garlic. Give them a stir and add into the carrots, and cabbage. Add some salt. Fry the cabbage and carrots unlike it is to your liking. Some like it a bit crunchy, some like it a bit softer. And that is it. When they are ready, just dish them on a plate.

Fried eggs (omelette) with onions.

I know I won’t make the cut to be a Michelin chef. But luckily, I eat to live… Oh, I have mentioned that, have I?


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