Woo-hoo!!! SIC Community has over 1000 Subscribers now, with over 12% active members!!! Thank you all!!!

progressivechef -

I have been impatiently waiting for this moment and it's here finally friends!!!

We have over 1000 Subscribers already!!!

I waited for this to happen so that I can screenshot it...and you know what...I got it!!!

With the recent developments in SIC we are seeing an increase in the traffic in our community...which is simply great!!!

Right now, we are at 1011 Subscribers with 126 active members!!! All foodies!!!

Over 12% active members!

I remember from a post from the Steemit Team about the target % of active members...they encouraged us to have at least 10% active...

And we are at over 12%...this is simply awesome friends!!!

Big thanks to all who are participating in making SIC such a great supportive community!!!

What's next!???


Hmmm the SIC community never sleeps...I think you've all noticed that!!!

After the success of Steemit Iron Chef, we have launched the daily #foodcolorchallenge...

Food Color Challenge!

Below is a recap of what's exactly is this foodcolorchallenge...

Each day of the week has been assigned with a different color...these 7 colors are actually those of vegetables and fruits that exist!


The participants are expected to make a nice post with top quality photo/s of something related to food and beverage!

It can be a flower or a plant or fruit or vegetable or a cooked dish or even a cocktail...just make sure to respect the color of the day and use the exact tag!

For example : On a Thursday you can post the photo of ripe bananas and write some words around...and use the tag #yellowthursday and post!

SIC Team is building up...


This is another important thing to happen in SIC...with our growth, it was impossible for me alone to overlook everything in our community!

So now we are recruiting passionate foodies in SIC!!!

We already have @sanuri who has been selected to take over the foodcolorchallenge - she is fully responsible for this contest and already doing a great job!

More to join soon...

The idea is to have many different food and beverage contests running in SIC...and each contest will be handed to one passionate foodie...

We will be announcing the next one to join our team very soon...hmmm with a new contest handed up to him/her!!!

If you feel you can help us, contact me!!!

So here we are for the great news dearest friends...

In the coming days...there will be a lot more of developments happening!!! Stay tuned for these!!!

Until then...

Please keep on being active and help each other to get at least a minimum post payouts thanks to your upvotes!!!

Thanks so much for all!
Best Regards!