We need to Stop Measuring in Fiat Currencies...

pocket-change -

It will be a Game Changer, once we start Measuring in our Corrected Silver and Gold "Coin" backed Currencies...

The Spending Power of our Corrected Coinage will be 100 Times Greater than the Fiat USD's we're currently using...

We the People are going to 'remove and replace" Physical Fiat USD's from all over the World...

Remove and Replace, Fiat USD's, with "no loss" in Spending Power, at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

There will be a Redemption Period to make for a Smooth Transition...

At the End of the Redemption Period, all Physical Fiat USD's will lose any and all "Legal Tender Status"...

This means that Fiat USD's will go to Zero Spending Power, at the End of the Redemption Period...

Feel free to question "My Version" of the United States Monetary Correction...