We'll need to Make Change for a Penny...

pocket-change -

That's right Folks...

We will need to make Change for anything less than One Cent...

I've been calling them Electronic "Decimal Cents"...

We the People will start to use our own Electronic Coinage, that will have Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

I think "our" Electronic Coinage will be a Big Hit, all over the World, because it will be backed by our "Stable" United States Silver and Gold Coins...

I have good reason to believe we will also be issuing Paper Coinage, denominated in Cents, from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

Paper Coinage is for those of us who like Carrying our Spending Power in our Wallets...

Not that we would need to carry very much of our Common Coinage...

I doubt that I'll carry more than a Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents in Coins or Paper Coinage...

One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents will have the Spending Power of 125 of Today's Fiat USD's...

We the People will be "removing and replacing" Physical Fiat USD's, all over the World at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

There will be no loss in Spending Power, because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

There will be a Redemption Period for the 100 to 1 Exchange...

At the End of the Redemption Period, all Physical Fiat USD's will go to Zero Spending Power...

In other words, Physical Fiat USD's will lose any and all Legal Tender Status...


As the Physical Fiat USD's come Flooding into the United States, they will be "Destroyed" as Payment towards the National Debt and interest...

Yes, we will be able to pay the interest, no matter what you've been told or read...

We will be able to use "our" Silver Coinage, our Gold Coinage, our Platinum and Palladium Collector Coinage, our Common Coinage, our Paper Coinage and our Electronic Coinage...

As you can tell, We the People will have a lot of Choices, when it comes to our Coinage...

After reading the above, tell me "which" you would prefer to have, a Stack of One Dollar Bills or a Stack of One Hundred Dollar Bills...???

That's what it really comes down to...

We can Choose between a Stack of Fiat USD's, or a Stack of U.S. Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

Our Coinage will have a range from 1 "Electronic" Decimal Cent to a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...

We will have Corrected $10 Gold Coins, $25 Gold Coins, $50 Gold Coins and $100 Gold Coins...

We will have Corrected $1 Silver Coins, $2.5 Silver Coins, $5 Silver Coins and $10 Silver Coins...

We already have Corrected Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarter Dollars, Half Dollars and One Dollar Coins...

Our Paper Coinage will be similar to the Old Paper Dollars and range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

Because of the 100 Times Increase in Spending Power, "We the People" will be issuing Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

We will need Electronic Coinage, so that we'll be able to "make change" for anything "less" than a One Cent Coin or Paper Cent...

Need I write more...???